Thursday, March 30, 2017

My Journey
By Ron Hamilton 

In July 2016 I was working the swine show at the Mother Lode Fair when I suddenly could not get my hands to write the words on the paper. My daughter Emily was there and I said "This is weird I have never had my Chiari do this to my hands." ( Chiari is the name of the brain injury I had surgery for in 1999. More on that will follow.)

Throughout the next few weeks I continued to have the problem. I also started to notice that I was having the shakes. Then one day it hit me....What if its Parkinson's? Eventually that would be the diagnosis.

The purpose of this Blog is to share with others my journey through Parkinson's Disease and the challenges I face each day. My hope is to share information about  new research, my struggles and my triumphs. Most importantly I hope that through all of it I can bring glory to the God I serve.

My plan is to just type. Easy for some, but remember I have the shakes and wiggles so I will have errors in my spelling and typing so please forgive that and just go after the information. I will mostly write in the middle of the night as I do not sleep well and writing helps clear my mind. It is also the best time to do laundry because no one is taking a shower and using all the hot water.

I will be adding little stories about my life, my days and trying to keep you informed and entertained. I will be using your name. For some people that is a scary thought but what I want to do is share with the world how blessed I am to have people in my life that I love so much because you all have shown me so much love through the years.

My first few posts will be a a quick 3 or 4 day trip into my past. This is not met to be boring for you but there is information in those posts that I will often refer back to as I explain how I came to the diagnosis of Parkinson's. I encourage you to read those as it will have information of injuries that I had that may have helped lead to my Parkinson's Disease diagnosis. You might also find your name along the way.:)

I also really encourage you to write responses. It helps to know someone is actually reading these. Not post to correct me but maybe new information you have or a fun story you want to share about our lives together.

So here we go. Sit back, relax and thank you for joining me on "My Journey".


  1. This sounds like an exciting and important "journey."

  2. I would love to follow you on this journey.

  3. Thank YOU for writing a journal to share with all of us. If your interested in talking with someone I know that has Parkinson's whom was a teacher and might be of interest let me know. We love you and your family❤

  4. Fabulous Ron! So good that you're doing this. Great therapy for you and you'll also be educating and helping others. Blessings to you and I'll be following along.

  5. I am so happy to read these words. Not because I am happy about the Parkinson's but in seeing this incredible man sharing his heart, his life and his faith the only way he knows how...publicly as a way of giving back. In a time when everyone would understand if you kept to yourself instead you share with the world and are giving of yourself in a way only you could do. You are an amazing man, a dear friend and anyone who knows you would agree we are all blessed and better for knowing you. Thank you for being you and for sharing. I am praying for you, for your family (that I also love dearly) and for your story to bless others and Glorify God. 💛

  6. As always you are such a blessing and even in your struggles you manage to still give back to those around you. Thank you for your strength and courage. Truly inspiring and proof of what faith can do.

  7. Thank you Ron! Type away, I'll be reading!

  8. My eyes are excited to read and my mind to grasp.

  9. I am looking forward to walking with you on this journey. ❤

  10. I will be following you Ron ❤️

  11. "A journey of a thousand mikes begins with a single step" . Congratulations on stepping out Ron and thank you for inviting us along. Let's go!

  12. Looking forward to learning more.

  13. Looking forward to reading it! I think a blog is an excellent idea. It will be cathartic for you and who knows Maybe something you write will trigger an idea for a cure. Proud of you brother. This is brave. Love you

  14. I'm reading, God Bless you

  15. Missing our times together. The first two posts remind me of good times. Looking forward to feeling close, through your words.

  16. Looking forward to reading this

  17. Thank you for sharing! You have a way with words and I love your sense of humor! You've got this, and Gods got you! ❤

  18. Ron- I'm never surprised at your ability to give and share so that we can learn. Makes me proud to know you and I'm always happy to see you and your family and get a hug. I swear I have a secret pride in being able to say I know Ron! I'm inspired at your ability to be exactly who you are. To give when you need. To offer all the Ron love you've got to give. I look forward to reading anything you put on this blog. Xoxo Lori Kleinert Littleton

  19. Thank you, Ron! I look forward to reading your blog, and gain an understanding of the disease.

  20. Following you......thank you for opening up and sharing......there are many you may be able to help....

  21. My husband has Parkinson's and it has been a very trying 9 years--It would be good for me to understand his problems better by following yours--

  22. Right here with you. Sending blessings your way.

  23. Thanks for your writing, Ron. I’m on this journey with you.
