Thursday, June 8, 2017

Through The Good and The Bad Times Too

Happy Birthday Baby!
June 9, 2017

Dear Krishna

Today is you birthday and you are 49 years old. The final year of the 40's. It is hard to imagine that my girl is heading towards 50. I wanted to pen a letter to you but I wanted it to be one that I shared with the whole world so they knew how much YOU mean to me.

From a very early age I knew that the woman I was going marry would be special. Not because I am any great catch but because I am picky. Here were the qualifications:

Must have a big heart.
Must want kids and be a good mom
Must Love Christ
Must have the same morals and values

Easy Huh?

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.
Proverbs 18:22

Learn to seek His presence and his will. Daily. ...
Speak faith! Love others with a godly love. ...
Strive to have inward beauty; outward beauty fades. ...
Have a spirit of humility. ...
Serve the Lord to your fullest ability, always keeping your mind on Him and eternal things.

Suddenly you were there. Like God said here you go, see if you can catch her. I have been chasing you ever since. Back then I could run faster but now age and Parkinson's has slowed me down a bit. But I can still catch you.

It was the fall of 1989 and the minute you walked into the room I realized I was alone. I realized you needed me and I needed you. Then we held hands and I knew I would never let go. It was as if I found the hand that perfectly fit mine.

Within just a few days I asked you to marry me. God said "don't let her get away" and I am one to listen to his words so I acted fast. The next year was a whirl wind as we planned a wedding and then suddenly it was here and you were Mrs. Ronald M Hamilton. Krishna Hamilton. I sure still like how saying that name feels on my lips.

You were a beautiful bride. All our friends told me so but they did not realize that I already knew that. The wedding was amazing. There I stood with all the world watching and I gave you my word that I would Love, Honor and respect you. Yes I did say obey....And I do. 

We were so young and Our Journey has been such an exciting trip. I have been blessed to hold your hand through so many of my life's big events. When Emily came I held your hand until it was time for me to catch her. WOW! I delivered our baby. She is beautiful, smart and a woman of God. She gets that from you.

Two short years later I held that hand as we said see you soon to your Dad. That was a tough year. But you know they say what does not  kill you makes you stronger and our love grew and flourished and two years later I held your hand as our son Danny entered. He is strong, determined and faithful He gets that from me.

Then we held hands as we watched your mom leave this earthly life and join Bob in heaven.It was difficult but we were blessed to be there to say good bye as she told him hello.

Then 1999, boy what a year. When I was in a constant fog the one thing I recognized was your hand slowly leading me back. Whenever my brain left me feeling lost there you were to always take my hand and lead me to your side.

Then the amazing 2002. Remember they told us I could not have anymore kids and yet that hot August day I held your hand as we welcomed Baby Faith into our lives. She is beautiful, a social butterfly and independent. She gets that from us.

So here we are 2017. Emmy Anne in school, Danny boy heading to the Academy and Baby Faith the smile that warms our hearts. And I Still love to hold your hand. I am blessed. We have traveled many roads together. We have laughed, cried and laughed some more. You have been my best support system in all that I have done and I have been proud to have you standing right next to me and holding my hand.

My walk has slowed but I still chase after you so that I can be next to you. Many years from now I will take that next walk. The wind will blow through my mind and my final thought will be of you and I will whisper your name with my last bit of energy.

When I arrive at heavens gate I wont go in, I will tell them I have to wait for my angel. They will understand because they know you. From that bench outside the gate I will look down as you bounce grand babies on your knee and play peek a boo. 

Then one day you will join me. I will run to meet you and throw my arms around you. My lips will touch yours and I will be complete. Then I will turn, take your hand and enter heavens gate. As I enter I will say to God this is Krishna Hamilton and I can finally come in because I have my girl and it will be the end and the beginning of "My Journey."

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I will pledge my heart
To the love we share
Through the good and the bad times too
I'll forsake my rest
For your happiness
'Til my death I will stand by you
With God as my witness
This vow I will make
To have and to hold you
No other to take
For rich or for poor
Under skies grey or blue
'Til my death I will stand by you
There are wars and there are rumors
Of wars yet to come
Temptations we'll have to walk through
Though others may tremble
I will not run
'Til my death I will stand by you
I will put on the armor of faithfulness
To fight for a heart that is true
'Til the battle is won, I will not rest
'Til my death I will stand by you
With God as my witness
This vow I will make
To have and to hold you
No other to take
For rich or for poor
Under skies grey or blue
'Til my death I will stand by you
'Til the battle is won
I will not run
'Til my death I will stand by you