Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sweet Child Of Mine


                       I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
John 1:4

If I had just done the math all those years ago I would have maybe realized that one day, in the not so distant future, they would turn 21 and 25 on the same weekend. The miracle of it all is how fast it went and how proud they make me. DAILY!


She was born at 9:02 November 6, 1992. I still remember that day as if I am 27 and it was tonight. It was a beautiful fall day and her grandparents were all at the hospital waiting. The leaves were red, orange and yellow and it was a windy day. A perfect day to have a baby. I still remember the doctor allowing me to help deliver her and lay her on her mommies chest. There were many tears of joy.


He was born at 9:02 on November 5, 1996. What a day. I went to vote and told the officials Krishna was a little busy. The next thing I knew the official walked in with a ballot and Kris voted between contractions. Then here he came and as true to what Danny would always be the next day was funny and crazy all at once. We had three television crews in our room and we were on Good Morning America. It seems voting while in labor is big news. Emily turned four during all the commotion and was on TV for her birthday.

It has been so much fun and excitement everyday since. We have taken small trips, laughed, cried, got dirty raising pigs, got cleaned and saved by Gods grace. Along the way we cheered for our kids, they cheered for their Giants and added a baby sister that is a blessing to us all.

Life is so cool. No matter the struggles and worries God is always their to protect and save us and give us grace when we make mistakes. Of course he is, as the bible tells us all about children and the fact they are a gift from heaven.


Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord....
Psalm 127:3

All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace.
Isaiah 54:13

We have over come many obstacles and been blessed by a whole community that has helped us raise them to be good kids....ADULTS.

So happy birthday to my two ADULTS. May God carry you far on your Journey. May you have enough tears to help you enjoy the laughter more, may you have enough sun to dry your rain and may you always know that no matter what...You have a God a Mommy and a Daddy that love you very much. YOU MAKE ME SO PROUD!

Thank you for picking me to be your dad and thank you for blessing me as I make "My Journey."


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