Thursday, June 28, 2018

We all have obstacles we must overcome in life. For some, they start when we are young and confront us all of our lives. For others of us the obstacle may change as we age and different obstacles will present themselves. No matter what that obstacle is, it is our own personal challenge and no one else can truly understand our struggle because for some our obstacle is not their obstacle.

I remember one such obstacle that I thought I would never beat. I was in the sixth grade and each day for PE we had to run the J. We knew it was coming right after the second set of jumping jacks but still when we were told to run it was like we were heading into battle for the first time. 

What is the J? The J is a simple hill, then a flat area and then a great downhill run. Sounds simple huh? Well that fist climb was my challenge. I would get part way and then poop out. In seventh grade I would run most the way and then let others pass me. It was like I was saying "ok you beat me and I will never overcome." 

We travel through life like this don't we? I mean we find something that is hard and when we finally have a chance to post victory we  will sometimes sabotage ourselves and let defeat take over. The weird thing is we let stupid little things things defeat us and control us and then a big challenge comes a long I mean a real life challenge and we fight to no end to overcome.

Take for example this blog. It has literally taken me several days to type this short message. Why? Well Parkinson's can act in frustrating ways. Lately my arms have felt like weak limbs hanging by my side. My right arm has especially given me trouble and controlling my fingers is difficult. It is like I have a dead weight on my body that aches and does not want to mind what my brain is saying. My brain tells my fingers what to do and my fingers look at me like I have lost my mind. Its as if they do not want to work.

So the solution could be to get a voice to text program but I don't write that way. You see when I tell you a story I hear it in my mind in a different voice. My voice sounds like an old woman's voice and I don't find it comforting. Plus, I write better when I listen to music and if I am talking I would not be listening. Kinda like a man huh!

So some may ask "Why do you blog if its so much trouble?" Well first of all it helps clear my mind, it allows me to tell my story, it helps me relax and it allows me to testify to you that no matter how bad life gets God is here to love me. 

There was a show on television years ago called Touched by an Angel and in an episode Wynnona Judd sang a song called Testify to Love. The song reminds me that no matter who I am or what I am facing I can still somehow communicate. I can testify to Gods love here in my life. Everyday. 

Sure I could give up sit in the recliner and say forget about it. I thought about doing that several times this week. But let me ask you...What would that prove.? Who would win? It would prove nothing and I am the loser because then the disease wins. Love loses. 

Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify

Look around me. I am so blessed by love that I have no choice but to battle because so many are battling for me. With me. This last week my wife took me to a Boxing Class. YUP BOXING. Jared Moss has started a boxing class and his focus is to help those with Parkinson's by working on mind, body and spirit. I did squats, hit a bag and lifted weights. Was it hard? ABSOLUTELY! Did it hurt? FOR DAYS AFTERWARDS! But it felt great!

I am the Pounding Portigue! After just one class I can beat anyone. That is if my right arm will listen and my aching legs will carry me to the battle. The truth is that no matter how much Parkinson's challenges me no matter what obstacles it throws my way I have love helping me Counter Punch the disease. I have family, friends and God loving me so much they are finding solutions. I am running the race. And I am winning.

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silence 
Says the words are not enough
With every breath I take 
We'll give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every sinful act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart 
Will see what love has done
That J that once beat me was one day beaten. One day, I took off running and did not look back. I finished first. I beat my mountain and I will beat this one. Each day there will be obstacles and each day God will show me love in those who are here to help me beat the odds. Each day I will overcome and I will learn to walk so that I can run. Then and only then can I continue "My Journey."
Watch out Sugar Ray and Rocky Balboa I am on fire. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don’t thtart biting people’th earths off
