Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bring On The Glory

"Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31 

Hello.  I know its been a long time since my last blog and if there is anyone still reading Thank you.  It is a very slow process to type so this takes time. Thanks for joining me.

To the general public, those who don't see me daily and those who I work to hide it from I don't have Parkinson's. In fact, a few weeks ago I was at breakfast with a friend that I admire and he said "to the public you don't look different." My response was GOOD! I thought to myself the illusion is working.

The truth is my life has changed considerably since my diagnosis and daily tasks are not as simple as they once were. I have learned that there is more to this disease then just shaking of the arms and legs. There is more then just lost sleep in the middle of pure exhaustion.

As I have said in the past every person with Parkinson's has different symptoms.Parkinson's has decided to attack the dominate side of my body. It started with my right arm. At first, it was just an annoying arm ache. Later, it made carrying items difficult as my strength and energy were compromised. Now, most of the day my arm is worthless. It will not write, type or move. To top it off the pain is crazy. It is like my arm is in constant flex and stiffness.

The pain has now moved into my hip and my right leg. Walking hurts. Sitting hurts. Laying down hurts and sleep is impossible at times and at times I fall a sleep in the worst pain possible only to wake minutes later with leg and body cramps. I get tired so easily.

I think the biggest obstacle is my facial expressions and my communication. Parkinson's causes what is called stone face and at times I can be in a great mood but my expression is one of anger and sadness. My voice control can be difficult as well. At times I sound mad, at times I speak in a whisper and other times the shaking of my tongue makes my words wrong.

Then there is the embarrassing memory. As I have said I have Lewy Boby Dementia and it makes remembering the simplest names difficult sometimes.

Now put all this together and you can understand that this disease stinks.

But Life does not! Why? Because everyday God looks at me and sees the truth.

I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You
Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
I do not talk as much as I used to. But I am a better listener. I don't move very fast or as much as I used to move. I retired from many volunteer things I used to do but I find peace in the smallest of moments. A night sky, a child's laugh, a visit with a friend and attempting to take pictures with my hands shaking.

So I pray
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain

I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain
So I pray
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord God Almighty

No matter where we are in our struggles we still have life to celebrate, we can still bless others and we can still look forward to a life full of blessings and grand babies. No matter the challenges we can still find ways to bring glory to God.

I am blessed with an amazing family. I am blessed with wonderful friends and daily I am blessed at work by awesome co workers. All of you allow me to work to bring God glory. No matter how bad the day is, no matter the rain all these people in my life help me rise above the pain and cross the finish line.

Bring The Rain
Mercy Me

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