Thursday, December 6, 2018

So To Honor Him

Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt overwhelmed by the things of this world? Where life seemed so hard and no matter what you did, things just wouldn’t go rightI know that in my life when I try to do everything with my own strength alone it does not turn out well. When you are heavy-laden it is like your spirit, mind, will, and emotions can’t function because there is this weight on you that you try to lift by yourself. It causes you to feel down, depressed, anxious, all those negative things that we do not want in life.It is sad that sometimes in life we are so overwhelmed with major burdens the simplest of things can get us down.  

Then add to all of this the challenges I face daily with my Parkinson disease and the frustration that comes as the disease changes from day to day and sometimes from hour to hour. Sometimes I walk well and sometimes I stumble. Sometime I talk well and sometime I stutter. Sometimes my arms shake sometimes they will not type on the keyboard and then there are times they work the way I want them to work.


The thing that frustrates me is watching the disease take away Ron's energy. I used to watch him run from project to project and never run out of energy, now he gets tired easily and once simple projects are now monumental tasks. Someday's, just bringing in firewood requires a nap and his weekend chore list goes unfinished for weeks at a time.

Ron & Krishna

Then comes the realization that WE are not in charge. The biggest thing that we understand is that even though we have been given this challenge, we still have the opportunity to bless others and bring glory to the God that we love so much.  A God that lovingly blesses us each and everyday. So tonight, we would like to announce our way to honor HIM this holiday season and bless others who are fighting a battle with Parkinson's disease.

We have teamed up with UCSF and the National Parkinson's Foundation and will be bringing the first EVER Parkinson's Foundation Forum to Tuolumne County. " And it Shall be for all people."



Peaceful Journey
The Ronald & Krishna Hamilton Parkinson’s Foundation

Invite you to attend a

Parkinson’s Disease Forum

Speaker:Aaron Daley, MA

UCSF Parkinson’s Disease Clinic and Research Center

                                       A Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence

This program will include a PowerPoint presentation on aspects of Parkinson’s disease and its treatments, followed by an extended Q&A.

Parkinson’s patients, caregivers, family, friends are all welcome to attend.  Community agencies and representatives from the Parkinson Foundation will also be present.

Free Lunch will be provided.  

Friday, January 25, 2019    11:00-3:00 pm
Sonora, CA

Please contact Krishna Hamilton ( or 206-3071 to RSVP for this event.

Lets ALL make this journey together. If you know someone with Parkinson's or a Parkinson's Care Giver or even if you or someone you know would like to learn more please join us. I know I would love to see you there. It helps me have hope knowing I have people in my corner. It helps to know that friends and family are carrying us and holding us as we make "My Journey."

1 comment:

  1. Ron and Krishna - I love you both so much and I am thankful for you reminding me that none of us can do it alone (or even with an amazing partner and family). We need to give it to God and you are in my prayers daily (and nightly too). Keep doing Ron the way God shows you and we all will keep learning from you! Great job on this project.
