Saturday, January 12, 2019

A Very Blustery Beginning 

That morning when I got out of bed, it was raining. It rained while I got dressed for school. It rained on my way to school and during all 6 periods of class. As we left for the game there was a break in the clouds but before long it was raining again.

When the game started it rained like never before. For four quarters and a whole half time it rained. We cheered. We yelled. We hoped. We prayed. Our playoff hopes washed away like the chalk marks on the field in the rain storm. We lost.

As we loaded up to head home we were 6 buses of tired wet rooters. I imagined what my fellow classmates must be feeling on the players bus. Here I sat with shoes full of mud and a sad heart but they were covered in mud and their hearts must be hurting just as mine. Not to mention their sore bodies. The bus lights hardly seemed to break the darkness that was ahead of us, but we moved forward into the night and towards an unknown future.

Life has given me many rainy days when I  thought the sun would never shine again. Brain surgery, back surgery and now the daily struggles that Parkinson's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia. There are many things in my life I would love to change, things that have set me back and challenges that I had to overcome.

You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the end.

But a diagnosis and prediction of what is to come are just that: A Prediction of what is to come and while I cannot change the past, the beginning, I can change the current situation and I control how it all ends.

No one can do it alone. We all need that someone that carries us or that someone that keeps us focused. Many have asked why it has been a while since my last post/ The  challenges of typing are real and so is the pain most the day I cannot make my right arm do what I want it to do. Sometimes I can write sometimes its a scribble. Sometimes I walk well and sometimes I stumble. 

We are not alone and Krishna and I are forever grateful for those who continue to bless us and protect us during this Journey. While I lean on God and family, my family leans on God and our amazing friends and community we have the joy of belonging to.  The dinners, hugs, calls and so much more are a reminder that we serve a God and a community that is amazing.

What concerns me are those that do not have close family and friends to lean on. Those fighting cancer, isolation due to illness, elderly, those with mental illness and so many others. Have you checked on your neighbor?

Tonight, I celebrate my 28th Anniversary with an amazing woman, a woman who could have easily walked away from all of these challenges but instead chose love and chose to continue on "My Journey". 

I will pledge my heart
To the love we share
Through the good and the bad times too
I'll forsake my rest
For your happiness
'Til my death I will stand by you
With God as my witness
This vow I will make
To have and to hold you
No other to take
For rich or for poor
Under skies grey or blue
'Til my death I will stand by you
There are wars and there are rumors
Of wars yet to come
Temptations we'll have to walk through
Though others may tremble
I will not run
'Til my death I will stand by you
I will put on the armor of faithfulness
To fight for a heart that is true
'Til the battle is won, I will not rest
'Til my death I will stand by you
With God as my witness
This vow I will make
To have and to hold you
No other to take
For rich or for poor
Under skies grey or blue
'Til my death I will stand by you
'Til the battle is won
I will not run
'Til my death I will stand by you

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