Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Best Made PLANS

I love baseball and this time of year when I drive past a ball field I want to run around the bases and slide into home like I am scoring the winning run. I guess that will not happen again any time soon. But there was a time I could run all day and play baseball all day. A time when my energy was non stop and my favorite  sport was baseball.

My brother George and I could play forever in our front yard. First base was the oak tree, second base was the mulberry tree, third base was the white oak tree and home plate was a hat or something dropped on the ground. One would pitch the other would hit and the game was on.

We played with the greatest players of all time. Mantle was there as was Jackson, Mays, and of course Yaz at third. We could out hit them all and none of them could stop a ground shot up the third base line. Summer time was the best at Hamilton Field and when the sun went down, since we could not have any night games, we played kick the can, hide and seek or tag.

The only week we took a break was for the fair when we showed our pigs or rabbits. It was there one summer that Hamilton Field came to an end. George was in the rabbit barn and all our future plans of playing pro ball came to an end. When I first saw him with her I knew he was in big trouble. She had blonde hair, a wonderful smile and an amazing giggle.

That was the last summer we played ball in the front yard. It is no fun tossing the ball up, hitting it and then chasing yourself. I would stand there with the bat in my hand and watch them ride off on the horse. She was in the saddle. Funny I never got to ride in the saddle.

She had cast a spell!

I had to come up with a plan. A plan that would get him back in the batters box. But my plan failed when one night they were going to the movies and she said I could go with them on their date. She cried through most of the movie. I never knew that Jaws could be a tear jerker but if anyone knows that little blonde with the cute giggle they know she is probably crying as she reads this, You see we were all in separable. My brother, his one day bride and their skinny little brother.

So much for plans. The funny thing is that life is always like that isn't it? I mean no matter our plans there is always a different one, a better one. We don't mean plan to fall in love. We don't plan to get married. Sometimes we don't plan on that third child. But it happens. So does Parkinson's.

Strange that I included Parkinson in the same sentence as so many happy thoughts. Why? Because It was not planned. It is not easy. It is a daily struggle. It has been a blessing.By now you are thinking I lost my mind. But think about this. I did not plan anything that has happened in my life. At least not the way it has turned out. Even Parkinson's. I could be fighting mad but instead I am thankful.

I was told once if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans. If you want to find happiness live Gods plan. I am sure God does not want me to suffer with this disease but he has used this time in my life to make changes and change my plans and direction that I was going.

Before Parkinson's: I was involved in everything. Every night I was home late because I was volunteering for this great community that I love so much and trying to find ways to bless the people in this town that I love so much.

Since Parkinson's: I have had to retire from many of my activities.

The Blessing. I spent every evening last week at home with my wife. What a better plan.

Before Parkinson's: I would read the bible now and then. I would say a fast prayer a few times a day and be so thankful to my amazing God.

Since Parkinson's: I talk to God non stop and I am constantly looking up bible verses and scripture especially to use in this blog and each night I find myself wrapped in his arms of love no matter how awful I feel. No matter how I feel he is there to hold me.

The Blessing: Its in the bible...

I know the plans I have for you
Jeremiah 29:11

So you see no matter our plans God has a better idea. In my plans I was going to play baseball forever with the Yankees, Giants and Rangers. But God had a better plan:

In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

I never knew that one day I would have a disease that is difficult to pronounce. A disease I did not want. A disease that makes me shake, cut myself shaving, stumble when I walk and get sick from the medications. A disease that has caused me to lose 50 pounds, have nightmares and leg cramps.

 But with Gods plan I have a disease that is making me a better father, husband and friend. I laugh at myself more. I spill things and make fun of myself. I pray. I laugh. I cry.

You don't understand now what I am doing but someday you will. 
John 13:7

So now I let God take the lead. I let God make the plans and his road trip is way better then any I could have planned. His steps are more exciting then I could have imagined. More importantly....No matter how bad the day or night is, he has a plan and he is with me on "My Journey."

I told you she was cute!

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