Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Whisper in The Dark

It is a hot summer night in August 2017 and I am laying awake in bed at about 2:00 in the morning. Not being able to sleep is a normal occurrence for me as I am usually nauseated from my medications, hurting from my Chiari or now Parkinson's and I cannot turn off my mind thinking about everything from work, to family, to bills and all that we allow ourselves to worry about. 

In the dark sky I can see the flashes of lightening as a summer storm is moving through the river canyon behind my house. I am concerned about fires so I reach over to the night stand and grab my hearing aids to see if I can hear the thunder. I figure if I can hear it I can better judge how far away the storm is and know if I should walk out and stand in the storm. There is nothing better then standing in the storm as it passes through the hills where I live. You can feel the wind, see the flashes of lightening and if I am lucky I can hear the thunder. 

My right ear clicks on and I hear very little in the night. I hear the crickets outside the window, I hear the breeze in the trees and I can hear an animal outside moving through the grass. The best sound I hear is Krishna next to me as she peacefully sleeps. I hear her breathing and it comforts me. I move slowly as I try to never wake her. I don't need much sleep but she does and with the challenges in our lives rest is very valuable for her.

Softly, I lean over and whisper in her ear " I love you and I will never leave you." My hope is that somewhere in a  dream she will hear my message of love and she will find peace and happiness in a pleasant dream. Her breathing continues uninterrupted so I know that I have not woken her but my hope is that somehow I reached her.

Slowly, in the dim light of the night I see her hand slide across the blanket and she takes my hand. A calm and peaceful feeling starts in my hand and moves up my arm and into my body. Soon it fills my heart and my soul finds a soothing peace that is so hard to describe. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful marriage with a woman that I so adore. God has given me a true gift.

I find peace and soon I fade into a short sleep that lasts about a half hour. But it is a sleep that is brought on by the comfort and security I feel as I once again realize I am not alone in My Journey. Too often we miss the small signs in life that we are not on this journey alone. We must be still and listen.

In the darkest hours and the storms that we face if we listen we can hear God as he whispers " I love you and I will never leave you." The bible tells us:

Deuteronomy 31:6

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

We often fear God and that is because we do not always understand that he has rules and commandments for us because he loves us. What we must remember is that he gave us a wonderful and loving gift by sending his love to earth to rescue us from the troubles that attack our daily lives and if we reach to him we will find peace. 

What is the storm in your life? Is there thunder or lightening that does not allow you to find peace? If you are reading this blog then you probably know me and know the road that my life has taken. I have had many storms and road blocks that has left me feeling alone and worried and afraid. But then I found God. I know it does not sound that easy but it is. Really, I could decide each day to lay back and say "I cannot do it any more." But Instead I have listened and I have heard that tender whisper in the night from my father that say's " I love you, I am always with you and I will never leave you,"

God did not put me here and then leave me to struggle alone. Instead, he put me here and stays with me. When my body is weak and my load is heavy he fills my soul with peace and strength, It is not my body that will carry me to the next phase in my life but I must remember that it is my soul and it must remain good in my soul. So each day I will wear his armor and he will carry me and strengthen me as I make " My Journey."

There is a name I call in times of trouble
There is a song that comforts in the night
There is a voice that calms the storm that rages
He is Jesus, Jesus

Who walks on the waters
Who speaks to the sea
Who stands in the fire beside me
He roars like a lion
He bled as the lamb
He carries my healing in his hands


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