Monday, September 4, 2017

Whom Shall I Fear

Photo: R. Hamilton

Friday, September 1, 2017 was not the best of days for me. First I was awake almost all night hurting badly. My arms were a constant pain and the leg cramps were unending. My morning dose of Parkinson's medication had me gagging within 20 minutes and my stomach turned for the next several hours..

At 7:30 I finally made it out the door headed for work when I realized I would need to move Krishna's car as Dan had just arrived home from grade yard shift and parked behind my truck. I grabbed her keys jumped into my truck an backed right into her car. You heard me right. BAM!

I drug myself into the house and told Kris and all she said was "Its ok! It can be fixed.". Always the understanding wife. I stood there hurting, frustrated and ready to climb back into bed and the person whose car I had just munched told me it was ok.

The day had its ups and downs as there are always challenges at work but as I have said before I have a great team at work. A GREAT TEAM. At the end of day I found myself doing what relaxes me the most these days, watering my yard. There is that mole but that's another story.

Parkinson's is a funny thing. The Parkinson websites say that every person with Parkinson's suffers with different challenges and everyday is different. I am finding this to be true for me and I know in talking to my cousin Sara Claire she says the same for her dad as he suffers with Parkinson's Disease. Everyday is different and everyday has its obstacles.

There are days I wake up feeling great and by 10:00 I feel awful and there are days I wake up feeling awful and by 10:00 I feel great and then there are days I am awful all day. The one thing that remains the same abut the disease is that it is never the same. I could get angry, but why? I could give up but that would be dumb there is to much to push for and I could get biter but I have so much to be joyful about. We all face situations where we are tested and we must find inside of us the truth of who we will trust and who will give our lives to as we look for hope in hard times.

Remember Job? You know the story about the guy who had everything. Let me remind you about the journey that Job had to take. Here is the readers digest version.

The book of Job is the oldest book of the bible and was written possibly by Job himself in 2100 B.C. It is an example of of faithfulness. Satan comes to God and wants to attack Job. God allows but tells satan he cannot kill Job.

Job losses all his children and his possessions his wife even tells him to curse God and commit suicide. ( I am really glad I am not married to that lady.) Job looses everything important to him including his health. He gets bad advice from his friends they even tell Job that he must have really sinned for God to attack him so bad. Yet he stays faithful to God and God blesses him with twice as much as he had before.

You see God does not give us trouble that is not how it works. Evil and sin give us trouble and God gives us love. Think about this. You have heard before that "God so loved the world that he sent his only son."  John 3:16 Take a step back and understand what God did. He sent a precious baby. That baby walked the earth telling us of God's love and faithfulness and in the end of his life on earth he was beaten, whipped and  had to crawl through the streets with a cross on his back. At this point anyone of us would be in critical condition but Jesus must endure even more. He is nailed to that cross and then spends the remainder of his life trying to breath under the weight of his own body hanging on that cross. Then the soldiers, who were very good at their work, stick a shard spear into Jesus and blood and water come pouring out. That water and blood, as medical science says today, must have been from the sack of his heart.

Its not over. Then he goes to fight the devil and then comes back to earth to show us he is alive and waiting for us. NOW THAT IS LOVE! I cannot imagine someone loving me that much but he does and he loves you that much too.

So I had a bad day Thursday. Looks like a cake walk compared to Job and Jesus but in the end the love God gives Jesus and Job is the same love he gives me and you. A love that overcomes all things. We may not always understand why bad things happen but in the end it is all for the glory of God.

So whom Shall I fear? Better yet what shall I fear? How will I survive? Where shall I turn when the road gets difficult? The answers to all these questions are easy. I shall fear no evil or pain or road blocks. I will survive by leaning on my family and friends. Finally, I do not know where this will all take me or where I am going but I know whom I shall turn to. God. He is always with with as I make My Journey.

God Loves You and So Do I.

Laughter is the best medicine. I love to make others laugh.

Here is the best meds for me. Safe in the arms of love. My family is my  all and that lady who is always there to hold me in her arms She is my rock.

I've spent my life looking for you
Finding my way wasn't easy to do
I know there was your all the while
And its been worth every mile
So lay down beside me
Love me and hide me
Kiss all the hurting of this world away
Hold me so close that I feel your heartbeat
And don't ever wander away
Mornings and evenings all were the same
And there was no music till I heard your name
But I knew when I saw you smile
Now I can rest for awhile
So lay down beside me
Love me and hide me
Kiss all the hurting of this world away
Hold me so close that I feel your heartbeat
And don't ever wander away
And don't ever wander away......


  1. Love you my friend, praying today is a good day! Thank you for today's message :)

  2. I love your sense of humor and your attitude that always points me to Christ! Thanks for sharing

  3. Definately needed this today as I struggle through my own issues. Your story, your love and your attitude are uplifting. Thanks for sharing Ron.
