Thursday, October 12, 2017

Completely For You

Editors Note: When I started this blog I did not know where it was headed but I sure like where it went.

Through out my life I have seen many acts of selfish giving. There was the time as a child my church gave us food to last several weeks, the time our car was broke down and a stranger stopped to help get it started again and there was the time I needed shoes for a basketball game and my sister took hers off and gave them to me.

Isn't it funny the things we remember? What often strikes me are how weird it is the things we forget. We forget the sacrifices made by parents when we are kids and need the extra money for a school trip or an after school event. We forget the extra help a teacher gives us by staying after school and working on that science project with us. We forget how hard a wife works to deliver a baby or tend to our troubles.

How about this.... We forget when brave men and woman ran into a burning building as thousands ran out. We forget that when others are running from a fire their are those running into it. We also forget that a man gave his life so we could have ours.

When I was a kid we did not have much money but we had energy and time so my parents used that to raise money for the March of Dimes, Walk a thon and the school band. We sold dinner tickets for fundraisers, collected coats for the needy, cleaned senior citizens houses and raised guide dogs for the blind.

Why? Helping others is the right thing to do. Serving others is the right thing to do. Serving others brings honor to them and glory to God. Even Jesus came to serve. He healed the sick, fed the hungry and gave sight to the blind. He gave his love in the blood he gave for you.

The bible says:

Mark 10:45 

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

How do you serve? How do you help others? The blessings we give others, no matter how small, are magnified by the love that is shown in the act. It is magnified by the glory given to God by serving his people.

Hebrews 6:10

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

This month my mother turned 82 and my father turned 88. Add that up 82 and 88 that is 170 years of life on earth. There is a lot to be learned in 170 years of life and a lot to be taught to 6 kids in 170 years of life.  That is also 65 years of marriage.

Here is what they taught me:

No matter how little you have you still give to others.

No matter how rough life is on you there is someone having a tougher time.

Say sorry.




Did they always get it right? HECK NO! Did they make mistakes? HECK YES! But they did not give up. They did not stop trying and they still to this day give. They give advice. They give love. They pat me on the back. They make me smile. They say they are proud. WOW! The greatest thing you can do in life is make your parents proud. Feels good.

So tonight in honor of these two that love me, save me from myself, worry about me, especially lately and these two that can drive me absolutely insane. I serve. It is my calling. It is the calling of us all.

Tonight, for the first time in months I watched the news. It took five minutes to realize that in the 7 months that I had not watched television little had changed, People are still fighting with each other, hating each other and yelling. What division.

Then they showed Napa, Sonoma and Santa Rosa. I realized that something else had not changed. When tragedy strikes and we are running for safety there are men and woman running in to our rescue. When people are in need we step up and serve. We donate blood, clothes and food. We pray and we hope.

Then there was that story about a girl in Pollock Pines that drove with little sleep through hours of traffic and smoke to deliver apples to those who were hungry. Why apples? Why not. When people are in need even my little sister finds what is available and shares it with those who are in need. She still serves. The apple does not fall far from the tree planted by that 170 years of life.

So my challenge? Serve others. Love others. Help others. Life is a challenge enough without hate. Make the road easier for your neighbor. No matter how little you have or what your troubles are you can always lift someone up. As you lift up others I will stand beside you as I make "My Journey."


  1. Good words to live by Ron. We have so much to be thankful and yet we grieve for Sonoma and the many people that are in danger.

  2. We have so much to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing Ron!
