Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sketched and Planned

I wanted to be a singer when I grew up after all I was in choir and in all the plays and on my best day I could sing like John Denver. I would sing all day and at night my brother would yell at me to shut up and go to sleep. It is still the same way. I sing all day long and late into the night. I put my ear phones on and jam with Mercy Me, Don Williams and Five For Fighting.

As my hearing got worse so did my voice and now with Parkinson's my voice is different each day. Someday's I sound normal and other days I have a raspy voice. I can go from Garth Brooks to Bonnie Tyler in just moments. It is not uncommon for Parkinson patients to have voice and stuttering trouble. Sometimes the trembling of the disease evens attacks the tongue making speaking a challenge.

My verbal challenge is also the stuttering that comes late in the day or when I am tired. Parkinson's will do that to you and can cause trouble in communications on the phone. I had a lady yesterday think I was some crazy man calling because I kept falling over my words. I guess my bucket list of singing a solo will have to wait, until then I will shout it out to the Lord here at home. Well until Kris says to stop singing out loud.

When I was a kid I also wanted to be a baseball player. I have mentioned here before that I would spend hours playing and watching baseball. Jack Clark, Dave Dravecky and Tom Seaver were some of my favorites. I could watch them hit and throw the ball on a hot summer day. Sometimes as I listened to the game I imagined I was at short waiting for a smash up the middle for me to dive for so that I could make a great play.

Talent and a bad body did not allow me to play baseball. Instead I played men's league until my brain surgery and now I will probably never play Yankee stadium. But my bucket list would be that I would pitch one more time time even if its just one inning on a Friday night in Standard.

As I have traveled through this journey I have learned that my plans, as good as I think they are, are not anywhere near as great as the plans that God has for me. The bible says:

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Sound simple really. Look at it this way, I may have had googlie eyes for that cute girl in high school but God's plan was for me to meet Krishna. It was a great plan as she has been an amazing partner, friend and loving wife. I wanted to go to the moon but the Apollo missions stopped and I stayed in Sonora. Great plan as I love this community and my church so much.

The same can be said about the bad things in life. For example, I did not want to have a car accident but it made me a better driver. The same can be said about my health. I may not have planned to get Parkinson's disease but it has been an amazing journey. I have grown in my faith, met wonderful people and learned once again how blessed I am by those that God puts in my life.

Proverbs 19:20 Tells us:

"Many are the plans in a mans heart 
But it is the Lords plan that prevails."

You see God sketched my life long before I was born. Long ago, Jesus died for me on a cross so that I could live a great life. Because of his love I know that these challenges here on earth will one day go away and I will enter a better place because I am forgiven and blessed by his blood and love. We all to often forget that we are not a a journey to God but we are on a journey with God and though our lives may not be what we planned they are what he planned.

If we put our lives in his hands we will find that the journey will be easier. It will not be struggle free but if we hold tight to his love we will find that the lessons we learn from the struggles make us better and make the value of our lives better. I have set up at night in horrible pain, I have been in the hospital recently because of this disease but I know it is a journey that I walk with God and that he is making me better and showing me a purpose in my life that I did not know existed

So I wanted to be a singer, I ended up with a horrible voice and I tend to now stutter. I wanted to be a baseball player but I fall down, stumble and my arms are to weak to probably hit a home run. Instead I have Parkinson's disease and somehow I am blessed. 

The trouble you are in is not punishment it is training. 
Hebrews 12:7

So I will use this training to be a new voice for the Ronald M Hamilton Parkinson's Foundation. They need a strong loud stuttering voice to share the Parkinson's story. I will use this broken body to walk beside those who struggle with Parkinson's and bring awareness to a little known disease to make others aware that in this town there are those in need. Those who are fighting pain, loneliness and frustration.

I may not be able to drive one out of the park but I can drive a Parkinson's friend to an appointment. I can carry their story to you and share the needs of your neighbor and my prayer is that you will become a Parkinson's Partner and help those who need a lift. I did not make this plan, God did. But it is my new life my new plan and "My Journey."

 God With Us
Who are we
That You would be mindful of us
What do You see
That's worth looking our way
We are free
In ways that we never should be
Sweet release
From the grip of these chains
Like hinges straining from the weight
My heart no longer can keep from singing
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified
God with us
My heart sings a brand new song
The debt is paid these chains are gone
God with us
Lord You know
Our hearts don't deserve Your glory
Still You show
A love we cannot afford
Like hinges straining from the weight
My heart no longer can keep from singing
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified
God with us
My heart sings a brand new song
The debt is paid these chains are gone
God with us
Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless we lay it at Your feet
Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless we lay this at Your feet
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified
God with us
My heart sings a brand new song
My debt is paid these chains are gone
God with us

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Photograph by: Krishna Hamilton
Yes that is me in the upper left!
I dream I am walking in the cold and the sidewalk is icy and very slippery. As I shuffle I slip, stumble and start to fall into the snow that has fallen throughout the night. Just as I think I am going down that hand that is always holding mine tightens its grip and a broken hip is avoided. Thank God for that determined wife of mine that does not let me fall even in the most challenging of times.

"Though they may stumble, they will never fall,
For the Lord upholds them with his hand."
Psalms 37:24

My daily walk is a constant challenge of slipping, stumbling and balance control. I wear out shoes like no one else as I shuffle and wear the bottoms off of my soles. This week as I walked through the snow the ice was sneaking up through the soles of my dress shoes and I feel the cold rush through my body. I could scream about the situation but I laugh instead at the thought of little snow flakes swishing between my toes.

God has even touched this moment.

What a week we have had in my house and what is becoming more and more aware to us is the limitations that this disease has on my physical body. Kris informs the kids that I drop to much firewood on the wood floor so I am no longer to carry it into the house. I explain that I drop the laundry all the time too but she says I still have to wash the laundry.

 My mind wants to run in the snow and watch the world turn white in the frost. So I convince Krishna to take me for a drive in a snow storm so I can take pictures of snow covered mountains, trees, waterfalls and sunsets.

She thinks I am crazy but for 7 hours we laugh, talk, giggle and sing along with the radio. All the while we marvel at God's amazing gift. Through a swirling storm we make our way to the South Fork of the river, back up to Confidence, and down to a look out where I hope to see a magnificent sunset. God does not disappoint. He never does.

There are the deer standing in a frozen field, wild turkeys running in a meadow, and snowing falling off and on through out the day. We make our way to the river and the road is covered deep with snow and ice. Krishna stops and puts the truck in 4 wheel drive and we make our way to the bridge of the South Fork of the river.

The world is silent. There is no sound but water running over rocks, birds calling in the storm and  icy wind blowing up the river canyon. Faith slowly takes picture after picture and I shiver. As cold as I am I feel the warmth of God and of his blessing of a little girl named Faith.

Kris lets me drive 3 whole miles back up the canyon road to the top. Snow is falling heavier and we are excited by the storm that God has provided. There is much to learn about love, hope, blessings and faith when you are traveling in the storm. Any storm.

When Kris takes over we venture up an unknown road and the ride gets a bit scary. The road is less traveled,  narrow with a steep hill and a cliff, we start to slip Kris cries out " I am scared and don't know what to do." Faith and I laugh. We have stared fear in the face and we know that we are safe in the arms of God.

"Narrow is the gate that leads to life"
Matthew 7:14

Soon we come to a spot with no snow but a chance for an amazing sunset. Where I am standing does not seem good enough so I cross the road and slowly make my way up the hill to the top. From my view I see the wonderful community that I love so much. To the west is Sonora and Jamestown and off to the valley below. To the east is the dark billowing clouds and to my left is Tuolumne. From Columbia, to Don Pedro. Sonora to the hills behind me this is  My Town. My Home. A place of peace.

The wind is blowing in my ears and I cannot hear anything but man can I feel the cold. Its 31 degrees and the wind only adds to the chill. I take a few shots but I know there is a reward of beauty if I wait a little longer. So while I shiver I talk to God. My life often feels like a continued repeat of the day I have just experienced. A storm, sunshine, a scary moment, laughter and relief. From sunshine to sunset there are challenges that we must depend on God to help us get through.

From birth to death life is the same way. We have storms and struggles that we must travel through but the journey is made sweeter by laughter, rays of warm sunshine and a little child named Faith. There is a reason she is named Faith and as I stand there I see her far below me taking her own pictures in the cold. She is traveling her journey and her journey is mine as well.

Suddenly, the sun appears and for a fast moment its bright loving light is blinding and warm and glorious. I try to look into it but it is to powerful and strong. Its hold onto the sky is large and it has complete control of how this day will end. It does not disappoint and neither does the God that I serve.

Suddenly, I realize its not dream and Krishna is there and she is holding me up. We are laughing at the near fall and I am lost in her beauty. Only God can make a moment of laughter out of a cold night and only God can send me a special wife that holds me up when I am falling and I surrender to his love and I am blessed with hers. 

Chasing sunsets and Gods beauty wears me out. My arms hurt, my feet are cold and I am in pain. But I have a warming peace in my heart. God invites me to surrender to his way. His dream for me. His plans. So I do and I continue "My Journey."

Friday, March 9, 2018

In My Heart

Billy holding Atina, George, Sherri, Ron and Sean in front. I am quite the winker.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be"
Luke 12:34
There is a song that starts..."Way back in my memory there's a scene that I recall..." Tonight my mind runs down that memory and back to a time that seems just like yesterday. A time in my childhood where life seemed simple, easy and free. A life where we were free to run, jump, and grow. Where we learned from our mistakes.

We lived in a place that seemed far away from the middle of anywhere. My parents had an acre of property that connected to my grandparents ranch and across Golf Links road was endless miles of creek beds, animal trails, wooded hideaways and a beautiful mountain that was all ours to explore. With no video games or cable television. A drink was from a garden hose or from the creek.

We would hit the ground running with the rising sun and go until after the full moon came up from behind our mountain. During the winter the creek ran like a river that was full of water and loud roaring sounds that even I could hear. At night, I would lay in bed after a storm and listen to it roar outside my window. During the day we would watch to see if it would flood and run down our driveway and over the road blocking traffic.

 In the summer we would walk in the creek bed looking for gold, eat black berries and explore.
Our summer prizes were the iron pyrite we collected, crystals and an occasional arrow head. We would run through the woods tracking the coyotes, foxes, deer and mountain lions. We played hide and go seek, climb trees and we would swing on the grape vines in soldier creek.

When we skinned our knees we ran to mom. When we were hungry we ran to mom. When we were scared we ran to Dad. When we needed a friend to play with there was a brother or sister always ready for an adventure. There were geese over head in spring and fall and wildflowers under our feet in the summer.

Like the changing season life changed and we grew and we scattered like autumn leaves. Two are mommies and four are daddies. Believe it or not 3 are grandparents. Some of us moved far away and some are still here. I miss those days and I miss those kids.

Recently, I walked hand in hand with Kris on some of those old trails. The creek was gurgling and it just was not a rushing river like it was those winters long ago. The berry bushes are still there and a bit overgrown. I could not help but look for gold and arrow heads. My reward was a beautiful crystal that I some how had not found all those years ago. 

As we walked my step was slower and I struggled to make way through the woods. The boulders that we used to hide behind did not seem so big but the mountain still stood tall and strong. I listened to the sounds of animals, watched the clouds roll overhead and felt the wind on my face. I could feel my past and I could feel blessings in my life.

These days I can't swing on grapevines and I have a hard time running through the fields, cow pasture and I don't climb the big oak trees. However, I can still appreciate what God has given me. The path I follow is a little straight then those I used to run on because my Parkinson's does not allow me to run through those woods at a top rate speed.

I can still have adventures in my life. The bible tells us:

"Seek God's will in all you do and He will direct your path." 
Proverbs 3:6

So as I travel this journey it is good to know that even with a disease that causes me to have stiff muscles, difficulty standing, difficulty walking, difficulty with bodily movements, involuntary movements, muscle rigidity, problems with coordination, rhythmic muscle contractions, slow bodily movement, or slow shuffling gait God holds me up and helps me take those walks through my day and the journey that he has planned for me.

As Kris and I walk out of the woods and through the meadow towards the house that was my childhood home I take a peek back at the trees. The evening shadows are stretching out all around, the birds are flying to the beds in the tall trees and the sun is sinking fast. 

Somewhere behind a tree I think I see a small face peeking out from a great hiding place. I hear giggles and silent shouts from my past whisper through the trees. They run along the creek bank and echo across the mountain tops. They slowly float into my memory and settle in my heart. They are forever locked there. No matter what the days ahead bring Parkinson's will never rob me of my memories and the love I have for those kids hiding behind the large boulders.

God has protected it all in my heart. He has locked the love of my youth away and as I make new memories those memories will not fade and I will take them with me on "My Journey."

Billy, George, Tina, Sean and Ron. Sherri is shy these days. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Photograph by: Faith Hamilton
"Watch, stand in faith, be brave, be strong let all you do be done with love"
Corinthians 16:13-14

I still remember that hot July summer day when we left for our big trip to Oregon. My Dad worked all day so the plan was to drive all night. For weeks there was great excitement and anticipation as we were headed on a great journey an adventure as my parents would call them because you never knew what was going to happen. 

When Dad got home we quickly loaded the car and headed north. It was July fourth weekend and we wanted to see Uncle Les, Aunt Kathryn and fireworks! As we made our way into Sacramento and then towards Shasta on I-5 night over took the day and soon our windows were letting in the cool wind as lightening flashed and rain began to fall.

Somewhere near the state boarder we stopped at restaurant called Samboo's. It was weird to sit there so late and have a place to eat open. There were s few truckers having dinner but Dad said we could have pancakes for dinner. What a cool treat. What a memory I will never forget.

We all have many journey's in our lives. They might be a fast three day weekend to Oregon, a day trip to the beach or a big trip far away. No matter where we are going the excitement of going on journeys and seeing new things is a blast. I have had many travel's in my life time. Some times I went with friends, sometimes with family and some journeys I have made alone. No matter the adventure I never traveled by myself. I always had my leader with me and the one that I really need to follow.

The bible says:

"Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness and make your way before me."

Psalm 5:8

There is peace knowing that no matter my day, no matter my challenge and no matter My Journey God is there with me. Each day, is different when you travel and with Parkinson's Disease each day can present a ton of challenges. But I want you to all know that no matter how good or how bad my days may be..... God is with me.

Today, was a good day. No, today was a great day! I had a day of not so much shaking and I am feeling energized and even eating better. I think I gained some of my weight back. OOPS! I only stumbled a few times and I did not fall once. That is a good day.

But you know what makes it a great day? YOU! Yes my friends, family, co workers and community. I feel so blessed. In less then 24 hours 2000 people read my blog. By 10:00 this morning a donation had already been delivered to our new Foundation at the Sonora Area Foundation by a long true friend that I have always LOVED and cherished. Her family is a blessing to me and my community. Well there is that Dodger thing but only God is perfect. :)

The dinner is all set up by an amazing Senior Hailey Gragg doing her project for the foundation. Her project is going to truly bless the people of this community. I worked on the phone with Corey Adams who is blessing us with an awesome website and Linda Gough is blessing us with graphic designs. All working to help me bless others.

True Miracles of God!

The website will be shared soon but tonight I wanted to be sure to share about the dinner. I want Hailey to have the biggest senior project EVER!

So here is the information:

Image result
Saturday, March 31st
4-7 pm
Sonora Moose Lodge

Purpose: To raise money and awareness for Parkinson' Disease in honor of Ronald M Hamilton

Dinner: Barbecued Chicken, salad, artichoke pasta, rolls and dessert

Live music by Frank Montelongo and Margie Thompson

Tickets: $10.00

Please make checks to Sonora Area Foundation 
Memo: Peaceful Journey Fund

Tickets available by calling 352-6382 or 588-3848
and at 
Blake Elliott Insurance

Donations can be mailed to:
PO Box 175
Tuolumne, Ca. 95379

All proceeds to benefit


The Ronald M Hamilton Parkinson's Foundation

Assisting Tuolumne County Families as they journey through Parkinson's Disease

I am so honored that I live in this great community and that God allows me to share this life that I am so blessed to live and the people that I am blessed to know. Thank you for allowing me to have such a great experience and to serve and represent all of you. My life can be rough and each day has  challenges. What makes my life great is the God I serve, the wife I love and the kids that bless me each day. Most of all I can dream and you  my friends make my dreams come true as I make "My Journey."

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I Have This Hope That  We Have Only Just Begun

From the youngest age I remember that we were always working for our community. My parent's taught us that no matter how little or how much we had we ALWAYS had something that we could give. After all if you cannot give money you can give time, energy and love to others who can use your spirit and energy to help them through a difficult time. My mom would say "There is always someone who has it worse then you. Help them." Help them we did.

It seems like were always collecting coats for the homeless, food for the hungry, and toys for kids at the holidays. We would walk miles knocking on doors selling candy bars for the band, dinner tickets for 4H and collecting money for MDS, Cancer research and March of Dimes. I still remember the year we went to the Jerry Lewis telethon and donated $600.00 and then stayed up all night answering phones to collect pledges.

As a small kid I remember lean years of small Christmas's, little food and washing the same outfit each night so that we could wear it to school the next day. No matter how little we had we still love, warm hugs and laughter. The best memories were helping others like Jamestown School 8th grade with Bingo fundraisers, camp bake sales and so many fun ways to help our school.

In High school Mr Southard always reminded us to serve others and the S Club worked to bless the community, Students and staff. Sue Sample (Mundy) was a great leader always encouraging us to give to others. It carried on into my college life and then into my adult life.

I organized my first dinner fundraiser at the age of 19 when I was just out of high school. My friend Deena Ravicchio was in a car accident and I put on a pasta dinner. I raised a whole $1000.00. Since then I have cooked for FOAC, Relay For Life, Benefits, school and 4H fundraisers. I have burned my hands, cut my fingers and lost tons of sleep. I have fed fireman, police officers, sheriff deputies and friends.

My reward? The smiles, the laughter and the life long friends that I have made. We recently guesstimated that I have raised well over $600,000.00 in my life for great friends and causes. We have fought cancer, supported mission trips, rescued dogs, saved horses and blessed the sick. Some are still here some have passed on. They are missed.

 I have also been blessed by fundraisers. This community blessed us when I had brain surgery and then spine surgery. As recently as January when Parkinson's was kicking me to the curb my family and community lifted us up by visiting us, feeding us and praying for us.

As I reported in this blog a few months ago I had to retire from it all. After 40 plus years of 4-H my body could no longer give all that time and energy. I walked away. And I wept! I miss it everyday but there are some things in life you have to walk away from and move on to your future.

But with every window that life closes with every thing a disease can take away from you GOD opens the door for opportunity and tonight the door to My Journey has been opened and Krishna and I want to share a major announcement that we are blessed to offer our great community.

As I sat in the emergency room with an IV in my arm that January day I asked God if this was what would really be left of my life? A defeated body with a heart that wanted to live and give so much more? He said no and he took my hand and showed me the way.

The bible says:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord

Colossians 3:23

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord

Ephesians 6:7

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up

1 Thessalonians 5:11

So here it is........

For the longest time we wondered what we could still do to give to this great community and show Gods love. One way was through my blog. I felt sharing my story and Gods hand in it would reach others who did not know God and it has had a great impact. Still there was that, What else question.

Not long ago we had dinner with Michael Roberson and his encouragement had Kris and I talking about new ideas to reach others in need that had a similar back story to my life, Parkinson's. But how? We thought of fundraisers, awareness campaigns but nothing really stuck.

In January, during what was one of the darkest weeks of my Parkinson fight Pastor Mark Levering  came to visit. During our conversation he said "you have had the ability through the years to reach people in this community that the church can not reach". I do not remember most of the visit but that sentence God made sure remained in my mind.

I was so impacted by that statement I went to the Sonora Area Foundation with my Family and we discussed with Darrell the idea of starting a Parkinson Foundation for Tuolumne. There are many challenges and obstacles including a need for $5000.00 to start the account. Still we wondered if it would be possible. 

Then the sermon Sunday at church it was as if Pastor Steve Osborn  looked right at Krishna and I and said that we could minister to people that the church could not reach. No matter how little we have all of what we do have comes from God and it is important to share that. So the discussion was renewed about our foundation but there was still the issue of $5000.00. 

Before we got home the phone rang and it was a past 4H member Hailey Gragg calling to say she was doing a fundraiser as her senior project,. The fundraiser would be March 31 to kick off April which is National Parkinson's month and all the money raised would be donated to the Parkinson's  Foundation in my honor. 

So tonight we are Honored to say that through your encouragement and Gods words we are starting:

                                                 PEACEFUL JOURNEY
                                The Ronald M Hamilton Parkinson's Foundation
           For Tuolumne County Residence and their families struggling with Parkinson's Disease

This Foundation will be set up for people of Tuolumne County fighting this disease to apply for funds if they need help buying a walker or a scooter. If they need help with a hotel room for out of town appointments etc. At no time will the Ron Hamilton family have any access to any of the funds it is all for the community. All the funds donated and raised will support the great people of this community that are fighting this disease. It is my way to give back to those I love so much.

The Board members of the Foundation who have so lovingly volunteered are:

Kenny and Patti Mitchell
Ron and Anne Patel
Chris and Sara Clare Lockhart
Ronald & Krishna Hamilton

How can you help?

The March 31 dinner will now give all the funds raised to this new Foundation so that all the money will stay in this community. You can get $10.00 tickets for a great chicken dinner. You can get tickets  starting Thursday.

I know it is Easter weekend so donations can be mailed to:

Peaceful Journey
P.O. Box 175
Tuolumne, Ca. 95379

These tax deductible donations should be made out to the Sonora Area Foundation. Again ALL funds 100% will go to the foundation and no member of the foundation or my family will benefit from this fund. THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS!

There is more to say but it is 8:30 and time to post.

So thank you for the support, love and guidance. We are excited about our new adventure and you all had a part of making it happen. Tonight is a new beginning. The next step. The new mile in my walk with God, my family and you as we all walk on "My Journey"

Monday, March 5, 2018

My Major Announcement

Photograph by:
Ronald M Hamilton
"My Journey"

He calmed the storm, and the waves grew silent
Psalms 107:29

Over the last few months I have shared that on April 1, 2018 I would be  making a major announcement  that will change my life and hopefully have a positive impact on Tuolumne County. I am blogging tonight to say that tomorrow March 6,2018 Krishna and I will be sharing an exciting announcement  on this blog. Hope to see you here.