Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Photograph by: Faith Hamilton
"Watch, stand in faith, be brave, be strong let all you do be done with love"
Corinthians 16:13-14

I still remember that hot July summer day when we left for our big trip to Oregon. My Dad worked all day so the plan was to drive all night. For weeks there was great excitement and anticipation as we were headed on a great journey an adventure as my parents would call them because you never knew what was going to happen. 

When Dad got home we quickly loaded the car and headed north. It was July fourth weekend and we wanted to see Uncle Les, Aunt Kathryn and fireworks! As we made our way into Sacramento and then towards Shasta on I-5 night over took the day and soon our windows were letting in the cool wind as lightening flashed and rain began to fall.

Somewhere near the state boarder we stopped at restaurant called Samboo's. It was weird to sit there so late and have a place to eat open. There were s few truckers having dinner but Dad said we could have pancakes for dinner. What a cool treat. What a memory I will never forget.

We all have many journey's in our lives. They might be a fast three day weekend to Oregon, a day trip to the beach or a big trip far away. No matter where we are going the excitement of going on journeys and seeing new things is a blast. I have had many travel's in my life time. Some times I went with friends, sometimes with family and some journeys I have made alone. No matter the adventure I never traveled by myself. I always had my leader with me and the one that I really need to follow.

The bible says:

"Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness and make your way before me."

Psalm 5:8

There is peace knowing that no matter my day, no matter my challenge and no matter My Journey God is there with me. Each day, is different when you travel and with Parkinson's Disease each day can present a ton of challenges. But I want you to all know that no matter how good or how bad my days may be..... God is with me.

Today, was a good day. No, today was a great day! I had a day of not so much shaking and I am feeling energized and even eating better. I think I gained some of my weight back. OOPS! I only stumbled a few times and I did not fall once. That is a good day.

But you know what makes it a great day? YOU! Yes my friends, family, co workers and community. I feel so blessed. In less then 24 hours 2000 people read my blog. By 10:00 this morning a donation had already been delivered to our new Foundation at the Sonora Area Foundation by a long true friend that I have always LOVED and cherished. Her family is a blessing to me and my community. Well there is that Dodger thing but only God is perfect. :)

The dinner is all set up by an amazing Senior Hailey Gragg doing her project for the foundation. Her project is going to truly bless the people of this community. I worked on the phone with Corey Adams who is blessing us with an awesome website and Linda Gough is blessing us with graphic designs. All working to help me bless others.

True Miracles of God!

The website will be shared soon but tonight I wanted to be sure to share about the dinner. I want Hailey to have the biggest senior project EVER!

So here is the information:

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Saturday, March 31st
4-7 pm
Sonora Moose Lodge

Purpose: To raise money and awareness for Parkinson' Disease in honor of Ronald M Hamilton

Dinner: Barbecued Chicken, salad, artichoke pasta, rolls and dessert

Live music by Frank Montelongo and Margie Thompson

Tickets: $10.00

Please make checks to Sonora Area Foundation 
Memo: Peaceful Journey Fund

Tickets available by calling 352-6382 or 588-3848
and at 
Blake Elliott Insurance

Donations can be mailed to:
PO Box 175
Tuolumne, Ca. 95379

All proceeds to benefit


The Ronald M Hamilton Parkinson's Foundation

Assisting Tuolumne County Families as they journey through Parkinson's Disease

I am so honored that I live in this great community and that God allows me to share this life that I am so blessed to live and the people that I am blessed to know. Thank you for allowing me to have such a great experience and to serve and represent all of you. My life can be rough and each day has  challenges. What makes my life great is the God I serve, the wife I love and the kids that bless me each day. Most of all I can dream and you  my friends make my dreams come true as I make "My Journey."

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to share your experience and give back to your community!
