Sunday, March 18, 2018


Photograph by: Krishna Hamilton
Yes that is me in the upper left!
I dream I am walking in the cold and the sidewalk is icy and very slippery. As I shuffle I slip, stumble and start to fall into the snow that has fallen throughout the night. Just as I think I am going down that hand that is always holding mine tightens its grip and a broken hip is avoided. Thank God for that determined wife of mine that does not let me fall even in the most challenging of times.

"Though they may stumble, they will never fall,
For the Lord upholds them with his hand."
Psalms 37:24

My daily walk is a constant challenge of slipping, stumbling and balance control. I wear out shoes like no one else as I shuffle and wear the bottoms off of my soles. This week as I walked through the snow the ice was sneaking up through the soles of my dress shoes and I feel the cold rush through my body. I could scream about the situation but I laugh instead at the thought of little snow flakes swishing between my toes.

God has even touched this moment.

What a week we have had in my house and what is becoming more and more aware to us is the limitations that this disease has on my physical body. Kris informs the kids that I drop to much firewood on the wood floor so I am no longer to carry it into the house. I explain that I drop the laundry all the time too but she says I still have to wash the laundry.

 My mind wants to run in the snow and watch the world turn white in the frost. So I convince Krishna to take me for a drive in a snow storm so I can take pictures of snow covered mountains, trees, waterfalls and sunsets.

She thinks I am crazy but for 7 hours we laugh, talk, giggle and sing along with the radio. All the while we marvel at God's amazing gift. Through a swirling storm we make our way to the South Fork of the river, back up to Confidence, and down to a look out where I hope to see a magnificent sunset. God does not disappoint. He never does.

There are the deer standing in a frozen field, wild turkeys running in a meadow, and snowing falling off and on through out the day. We make our way to the river and the road is covered deep with snow and ice. Krishna stops and puts the truck in 4 wheel drive and we make our way to the bridge of the South Fork of the river.

The world is silent. There is no sound but water running over rocks, birds calling in the storm and  icy wind blowing up the river canyon. Faith slowly takes picture after picture and I shiver. As cold as I am I feel the warmth of God and of his blessing of a little girl named Faith.

Kris lets me drive 3 whole miles back up the canyon road to the top. Snow is falling heavier and we are excited by the storm that God has provided. There is much to learn about love, hope, blessings and faith when you are traveling in the storm. Any storm.

When Kris takes over we venture up an unknown road and the ride gets a bit scary. The road is less traveled,  narrow with a steep hill and a cliff, we start to slip Kris cries out " I am scared and don't know what to do." Faith and I laugh. We have stared fear in the face and we know that we are safe in the arms of God.

"Narrow is the gate that leads to life"
Matthew 7:14

Soon we come to a spot with no snow but a chance for an amazing sunset. Where I am standing does not seem good enough so I cross the road and slowly make my way up the hill to the top. From my view I see the wonderful community that I love so much. To the west is Sonora and Jamestown and off to the valley below. To the east is the dark billowing clouds and to my left is Tuolumne. From Columbia, to Don Pedro. Sonora to the hills behind me this is  My Town. My Home. A place of peace.

The wind is blowing in my ears and I cannot hear anything but man can I feel the cold. Its 31 degrees and the wind only adds to the chill. I take a few shots but I know there is a reward of beauty if I wait a little longer. So while I shiver I talk to God. My life often feels like a continued repeat of the day I have just experienced. A storm, sunshine, a scary moment, laughter and relief. From sunshine to sunset there are challenges that we must depend on God to help us get through.

From birth to death life is the same way. We have storms and struggles that we must travel through but the journey is made sweeter by laughter, rays of warm sunshine and a little child named Faith. There is a reason she is named Faith and as I stand there I see her far below me taking her own pictures in the cold. She is traveling her journey and her journey is mine as well.

Suddenly, the sun appears and for a fast moment its bright loving light is blinding and warm and glorious. I try to look into it but it is to powerful and strong. Its hold onto the sky is large and it has complete control of how this day will end. It does not disappoint and neither does the God that I serve.

Suddenly, I realize its not dream and Krishna is there and she is holding me up. We are laughing at the near fall and I am lost in her beauty. Only God can make a moment of laughter out of a cold night and only God can send me a special wife that holds me up when I am falling and I surrender to his love and I am blessed with hers. 

Chasing sunsets and Gods beauty wears me out. My arms hurt, my feet are cold and I am in pain. But I have a warming peace in my heart. God invites me to surrender to his way. His dream for me. His plans. So I do and I continue "My Journey."

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