Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I Have This Hope That  We Have Only Just Begun

From the youngest age I remember that we were always working for our community. My parent's taught us that no matter how little or how much we had we ALWAYS had something that we could give. After all if you cannot give money you can give time, energy and love to others who can use your spirit and energy to help them through a difficult time. My mom would say "There is always someone who has it worse then you. Help them." Help them we did.

It seems like were always collecting coats for the homeless, food for the hungry, and toys for kids at the holidays. We would walk miles knocking on doors selling candy bars for the band, dinner tickets for 4H and collecting money for MDS, Cancer research and March of Dimes. I still remember the year we went to the Jerry Lewis telethon and donated $600.00 and then stayed up all night answering phones to collect pledges.

As a small kid I remember lean years of small Christmas's, little food and washing the same outfit each night so that we could wear it to school the next day. No matter how little we had we still love, warm hugs and laughter. The best memories were helping others like Jamestown School 8th grade with Bingo fundraisers, camp bake sales and so many fun ways to help our school.

In High school Mr Southard always reminded us to serve others and the S Club worked to bless the community, Students and staff. Sue Sample (Mundy) was a great leader always encouraging us to give to others. It carried on into my college life and then into my adult life.

I organized my first dinner fundraiser at the age of 19 when I was just out of high school. My friend Deena Ravicchio was in a car accident and I put on a pasta dinner. I raised a whole $1000.00. Since then I have cooked for FOAC, Relay For Life, Benefits, school and 4H fundraisers. I have burned my hands, cut my fingers and lost tons of sleep. I have fed fireman, police officers, sheriff deputies and friends.

My reward? The smiles, the laughter and the life long friends that I have made. We recently guesstimated that I have raised well over $600,000.00 in my life for great friends and causes. We have fought cancer, supported mission trips, rescued dogs, saved horses and blessed the sick. Some are still here some have passed on. They are missed.

 I have also been blessed by fundraisers. This community blessed us when I had brain surgery and then spine surgery. As recently as January when Parkinson's was kicking me to the curb my family and community lifted us up by visiting us, feeding us and praying for us.

As I reported in this blog a few months ago I had to retire from it all. After 40 plus years of 4-H my body could no longer give all that time and energy. I walked away. And I wept! I miss it everyday but there are some things in life you have to walk away from and move on to your future.

But with every window that life closes with every thing a disease can take away from you GOD opens the door for opportunity and tonight the door to My Journey has been opened and Krishna and I want to share a major announcement that we are blessed to offer our great community.

As I sat in the emergency room with an IV in my arm that January day I asked God if this was what would really be left of my life? A defeated body with a heart that wanted to live and give so much more? He said no and he took my hand and showed me the way.

The bible says:

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord

Colossians 3:23

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord

Ephesians 6:7

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up

1 Thessalonians 5:11

So here it is........

For the longest time we wondered what we could still do to give to this great community and show Gods love. One way was through my blog. I felt sharing my story and Gods hand in it would reach others who did not know God and it has had a great impact. Still there was that, What else question.

Not long ago we had dinner with Michael Roberson and his encouragement had Kris and I talking about new ideas to reach others in need that had a similar back story to my life, Parkinson's. But how? We thought of fundraisers, awareness campaigns but nothing really stuck.

In January, during what was one of the darkest weeks of my Parkinson fight Pastor Mark Levering  came to visit. During our conversation he said "you have had the ability through the years to reach people in this community that the church can not reach". I do not remember most of the visit but that sentence God made sure remained in my mind.

I was so impacted by that statement I went to the Sonora Area Foundation with my Family and we discussed with Darrell the idea of starting a Parkinson Foundation for Tuolumne. There are many challenges and obstacles including a need for $5000.00 to start the account. Still we wondered if it would be possible. 

Then the sermon Sunday at church it was as if Pastor Steve Osborn  looked right at Krishna and I and said that we could minister to people that the church could not reach. No matter how little we have all of what we do have comes from God and it is important to share that. So the discussion was renewed about our foundation but there was still the issue of $5000.00. 

Before we got home the phone rang and it was a past 4H member Hailey Gragg calling to say she was doing a fundraiser as her senior project,. The fundraiser would be March 31 to kick off April which is National Parkinson's month and all the money raised would be donated to the Parkinson's  Foundation in my honor. 

So tonight we are Honored to say that through your encouragement and Gods words we are starting:

                                                 PEACEFUL JOURNEY
                                The Ronald M Hamilton Parkinson's Foundation
           For Tuolumne County Residence and their families struggling with Parkinson's Disease

This Foundation will be set up for people of Tuolumne County fighting this disease to apply for funds if they need help buying a walker or a scooter. If they need help with a hotel room for out of town appointments etc. At no time will the Ron Hamilton family have any access to any of the funds it is all for the community. All the funds donated and raised will support the great people of this community that are fighting this disease. It is my way to give back to those I love so much.

The Board members of the Foundation who have so lovingly volunteered are:

Kenny and Patti Mitchell
Ron and Anne Patel
Chris and Sara Clare Lockhart
Ronald & Krishna Hamilton

How can you help?

The March 31 dinner will now give all the funds raised to this new Foundation so that all the money will stay in this community. You can get $10.00 tickets for a great chicken dinner. You can get tickets  starting Thursday.

I know it is Easter weekend so donations can be mailed to:

Peaceful Journey
P.O. Box 175
Tuolumne, Ca. 95379

These tax deductible donations should be made out to the Sonora Area Foundation. Again ALL funds 100% will go to the foundation and no member of the foundation or my family will benefit from this fund. THE COMMUNITY BENEFITS!

There is more to say but it is 8:30 and time to post.

So thank you for the support, love and guidance. We are excited about our new adventure and you all had a part of making it happen. Tonight is a new beginning. The next step. The new mile in my walk with God, my family and you as we all walk on "My Journey"


  1. May you and your family continue to be blessed as you continue your service to the community. You guys rock! Blessings on you.

  2. What a lovely idea, Ron. I remember well how Pastor Mark used to say, if you are the one seeing a need, God may be calling you to fill it. God bless as you set out to meet the need!

  3. Ron, you are as selfless a human being as I have ever met, and I have met a few. The fact that you continue to want to help when most would be focussed on their own challenges tells me 3 things....one...your parents raised you right, ....2.....obstacles have never stopped you,...and 3....you will be more blessed by God than most of your fellow humans. Best wishes to you and your loving family....you were the best boss I ever worked for.
    A donation will be sent to Peaceful Journey.
