Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dimples, Spice and Everything Nice

Friendship Series

There is a moment in your life when you realize that there are people in this world that God really wanted in your life. I found this friend in Angie Thompson. Since 8 years old we have giggled, laughed, cried and walked life's road together. Tonight Angelika Underwood joins me on "My Journey."

There are many things I do not remember in this life. I don't remember my first step, I don't remember my first hair cut and I do not remember when why or how I got to be 51 years old. But I do remember the first time I saw her. We were 8 years old and those smiling dimples were immediately burned into my mind. What still strikes me is that her sweet voice was just as beautiful as she was and still is to this day. It was the first time in my life I realized that there was nothing more I wanted then to be a life long friend of that wonderful person. God answered my prayers. He still does.


What can I say about my friendship with Ronnie, and yes I still have to call him that.  To me that is who he will always be.   We began our friendship at the ripe old ages of 8 and 9 at Jamestown Elementary.  I remember being terrified being at a new school in a new area, but I met the best people, Ronnie, Jackie, Debra, Bianca, Mickey, Jimmy, Becky and many others who made me feel welcome.  We all came from different backgrounds but when we got to school, those backgrounds didn’t matter anymore, that was one of the best parts of going to school there.  I have a lot of fond memories of Ronnie growing up.  I remember once getting in trouble and having to sit in the office with Mr. Bernard, I believe Ronnie and I were talking too much, which is not too surprising.  We both liked to talk!

It was the decade of the 70's. Gas was high and so was unemployment. We lived in small town USA. Some us were poor and others had a mom or a Dad. Some of us were good at sports and others were good at math. Some of us had money some did not. NONE OF IT MATTERED. At Jamestown we were family. I remember in sixth grade we all worked hard to help each other raise money to go to Science Camp. The thought of one of us not going was out of the question. We did bake sales and car washes together. We laughed through life.

There were hard days and tears. Some of us had trouble at home some of us had trouble at school. But together we overcame.


We continued through school together, graduating from 8th grade to the tune of Rainbow Connection and then high school 4 years later.  But one of my favorite memories of Ronnie was at our Junior College graduation, he was our speaker and he spoke of his sister Tina.  It was there I learned at what magnitude he loved his family.  I never knew someone could love their family that much.  I had always known he was a great person, but this was the icing on the cake that confirmed everything I knew about him.  He was always supportive of me and my goals, not everyone thought I could finish, but Ronnie always did. 

Six years later when we graduated from Stanislaus State with our respective degrees,  he was not surprised I was there to graduate with him because Ronnie always believes we can accomplish anything and he has more faith in us than we do in ourselves.   At his graduation party I was fascinated by all his pictures of him with the President of the United States, I believe he even had one with President Reagan who is and will always be my favorite President.  I am not sure how he met all those Presidents, but it was impressive.  That night he gave me a locket with pictures of our younger selves and our 4 graduation dates inscribed on the back, I still have it locked away.    We now live several hours apart and it is so nice we can still stay connected through Facebook and see how each other are doing. 

As I made my way across that 8 th grade stage to get my diploma there was Angie smiling. We had made it and we felt like we had conquered the world. From late night school plays to sharing our lives at recess and chats after school we had a special bond.

Four years later she was one of the first I looked for when I got my high school diploma. Then the road took turns and somehow many years later she stood on the stage with me as we got our AA degrees. Marriage, babies and dirty diapers slowed down the next stage of our lives but somehow God saw to it that she was there when we got our Bachelors degrees. 

The bible tells us:

1 John 4:12

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

That is the beauty of the love that a good friend gives us. A true friend, a good person, excepts us for who we are and not for what we are. To often people find our flaws or weaknesses our medical conditions and they turn away. Not people like Angie. Angie loves me for real. You see a true heart does not care about success, money or  Parkinson's symptoms like a blank stare, a weak memory or shaking arms. Instead good friends embrace us because of those challenges we face. Angie is that friend. 


Now that Ronnie is fighting a new battle with Parkinson’s, I have no doubt in my mind that he will conquer this disease and will live a long life with it.  This is Ronnie we are talking about and if it can be accomplished he will be the one to do it!

As I sit here I can still hear roll call in the my class. Each student says here and we all smile at each other. Another day would begin and we were together. I am blessed in this life and believe it or not I am blessed to have Parkinson's Disease. That is right I am not afraid. Why? How can I be when I have so much love and support on my side. Who can be against me when I have a God that has shown me through the hard times in life that he is there for me. He is there in the laugh of a child,  a hug of a wife and the dimpled smile of a life long friend.

I have many years of this life left and around each corner there will be a challenge, a supporting friend and a God that carries me and keeps me singing Hallelujah. Someday somewhere on this road I travel I will run to Jesus no turning back. Thank God almighty I will be free and I will be with those who love me. Those like Angie who have held my hand and held me up on "My Journey."

Why are there so many songs about rainbows and what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they're wrong wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that wishes would be heard and answered when wished on the morningstar?
Someone thought of that and someone believed it.
Look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing and what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
All of us under its spell.
We know that it's probably magic.
Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors.
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

That's What Friends Are For!

Friendship Series

A chance meeting? I think not. It was an early introduction of two people who one day would become lifelong friends. Friends that always miss each other but "never miss" when showing each other true love even in the hardest of times.

I was asked by my school to compete in a speech contest. I was pretty good at speaking but on that night two young beautiful girls would show me how to win a contest. We would meet again and the results the same. But that night started two amazing friendships and today Triina Turula and I are still laughing and loving life TOGETHER as friends. This is Our Journey.


Like many of you I love starting my day by reading Ron’s blog.  I am inspired and ready to face the day when I have finished reading his “Journey” entries.

I was very honored and humbled when Ron asked me to submit a contribution to his blog series about friendship.  Here is where I tell you that pizza must be brain food because Ron started by saying “Do you remember when we first met?  I do.”  It took some serious thinking to find the memory of a speech competition that we both attended in elementary school.  You see we went to 2 different elementary schools and would not get to know each other as true friends until high school.
Needless to say, my memory is shot and I can speak to a couple of very vivid memories from high school.  I remember the football game that we played/attended after Susan Moody died.  It was raining and we lost.  I just couldn’t believe I could feel that bad – I realized life just wasn’t fair, but the important thing is that you keep on living life the best you can.

The great thing about the Sonora High Class of ’84 is that we all continue to grow and somehow become closer to each other.  Ron also talked about our friend Kym Berry, who went to be with the Lord.  I attended her funeral at her home church.  I was SO proud of the woman that she had become.  She was truly an inspiration to her church, her friends and her family.  Well, I feel the same way about Ron, I am so proud to know him.

It was during those years that our friendship grew. From class meeting, school events and get together's Triina and I would create a friendship that would last. Triina is like that with everyone. She will give the shirt off her back to help others.

Our friendship continued after high school. Even while I traveled for the 4-H program I could often meet up with Triina and visit. I remember we even went to a Sonora High football game one Friday night. As we drove to the away game we had the chance to catch up and visit. I loved to hear her tell stories and she could and still does make me laugh.


Ron and I see each other every 5 years or so at our class reunion, but we have seen each other in between those reunions too.  I asked Ron to work for me once about 20 years ago (is that right?).  I was working for a college textbook company and we were buying textbooks back from college students at Fresno City College.  Well, it was a beautiful disaster.  The computers all froze up and we had to buy manually – looking up every single book in a buying guide. It was painfully slow.  Ron saved me that buy.

What I didn’t really realize is that was right before Ron’s Chiari surgery and the way he told it, I was not alarmed by the potential danger in this surgery.  Ron is a miracle that way – you don’t know that he is hurting, or frightened because he doesn’t ever let on.  I want to be this way – but I don’t have his gift.

Shortly following this I heard of a benefit that was happening in Sonora to raise money to help pay some of the enormous medical bills that had accumulated.  I called the organizer and helped as best I could from far away.  In typical fashion I got a simple message from Ron – “I know what you did”.

 Ron – I wish I could have done more!

I so vividly remember that generous gift from Triina. Her family donated a painting done by Joel Barber (Spelling) the art teacher from Columbia College to be sold at the benefit. What is even more amazing is that when they did not think it was selling for enough they bought it themselves to support the efforts.

Since then there have been dinner at my house, reunions and now a walk through Parkinson. She has been there with my family for all the good and bad. When kids were born she held them, when events needed to be organized she supported them and now when challenges come my way she does not stand by my side but instead she carries my family through them.

The bible tells us:

Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but kind words cheers it up.

This is Triina! Always there with words of encouragement. Always there to tell a funny story. Always there to love and support. ALWAYS THERE! Whether it is a fundraiser for an ill friend, to hold a hand when a loved one is lost or to carry us when we are challenged her love amazes all.


On another note – Ron and my younger brother Rob are often mistaken for each other.  Both have met a POTUS (Rob met Carter and Ron met Reagan).  Both excelled in their respective service clubs – Rob in Scouts (he was an Eagle Scout) and we all know about Ron and 4H.  And they are both very tall.  I think it is a nice mistake.

So here it is.  True friends pick up where they left off.  I can call Ron and he will get me a whole pig (cooked in the ground) for our 20th reunion.  He can call me and ask for anything and if it is in my power I will do it.  It is a natural feeling that never feels like work.  Ron you have helped me in these past days by sharing your faith.  I have struggled with putting my fears and my worries in God’s hands and actually letting go.  You help me find my faith every time I read your blog.  Thank you my friend.

No, Thank you Triina. Thank you for always understanding and given love and advice in good and hard times. Thank you for loving me and now my family. But mostly, Thank you for carrying me through life with love and laughter as I make "My Journey."

And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe, I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well, then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Well, you came in loving me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way
I thank you
Oh and then for the times when we're apart
Well, then close your eyes and know
The words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Isaiah 53:5

Editors Note: Hello! I have missed you all and I am sorry for the delay. Sometimes we just have to take a breath and collect our thoughts. Tomorrow night I will continue my series on Friendship but tonight I wanted to update you on my life with Parkinson's. Thank you to all who are reading and encouraging me and thank you Lynn for tonight's title idea. 

As I sit here listening to Chris Tomlin I am reminded of how much God loves me. He is a Good Father. When I was diagnosed with Parkinson's I did not know what to expect. There is not a day that passes that I am told by someone that they know someone with Parkinson's. Then they tell me all about the wheel chairs, or walkers or how they passed away.

This saddens me and I am so sorry to hear this challenge that they are going through. My friend Chris Luckie fights the fight everyday and Parkinson's has been very hard on her. But her faith encourages us all. She is a constant positive support to those of us just starting our journey.

My cousin Sara fights the battle each day with her Dad. He is stubborn but his will power carries him through the walk. When I see her she encourages me. Really, with all that she is doing daily she has time to encourage me? I love you so much Sara Clare!

The thing I think we must remember about Parkinson's is that it is different for each person and it is different EVERYDAY! Last week someone actually thought I had died from Parkinson's. So tonight I want to clear some things up.


There is no cure for Parkinson's disease; however many patients are only mildly affected and need no treatment for several years after the initial diagnosis.In some people the disease progresses more quickly than in others. As the disease progresses, the shaking, or tremor, which affects the majority of PD patients may begin to interfere with daily activities. 
Parkinson's itself is not a fatal condition and in itself will not kill you. As a matter of fact, the life expectancy with Parkinson's is only slightly shorter than most people without the disease if you catch it early and take good care of yourself.
However, complications of Parkinson's are usually what shorten life expectancy in people with this condition. Death due to Parkinson's related complications isn't too common, but it can occur. Early detection, treatment, and assistance with living help reduce the risk. Here are some of the things that can lead to death from Parkinson's:
1. Aspiration Pneumonia 2. Falls 3. Dementia
How Long Can You Live with Parkinson's?

  • Men are at a 60% increased risk of death due to Parkinson's
  • The average age of death with Parkinson's is around 81 years' old
  • The average life expectancy after diagnosis is about 16 years
  • People that have severe cognitive dysfunction or mental manifestations are at a 50% higher risk of death.

Parkinson's affects the way muscles function. This can cause problems with the throat and/or vocal cord muscles that close the throat off from the lungs when swallowing. As a result, food and fluids may enter the lungs leading to pneumonia. This type of pneumonia is extremely serious.
The shuffling gait and stiff legs that occur with Parkinson's raises the risk of falls. People with Parkinson's are at high risk of head injuries and hip fractures. Both of these cause an increased risk of death.
Research continues to find the reason why people with dementia seem to be at higher risk of early death with Parkinson's. This is because dementia usually only affects cognitive function and not motor skills. A lack of adequate help in the home or caregiver may have a profound effect on people suffering from both Parkinson's and dementia, as these two conditions together would need increased supervision.
Life expectancy with Parkinson's depends on how early you are diagnosed and begin treatment. The longer you wait, the higher your risk of complications that could shorten your life. In general, people with Parkinson's do have a slightly shorter life expectancy. Does Parkinson's kill you? Not the condition itself. Can complications from Parkinson's contribute to an earlier death? Yes.
Studies show that death due to complications of Parkinson's occurs anywhere from 2 years after diagnosis all the way up to 37 years after diagnosis. Again, it isn't actually Parkinson's that shortens life expectancy, but the complications. 

So I am a long way away from my 80's and if you have seen me I look pretty good.Yes I shake but not as bad as the medicines have really helped. Yes I forget things. We all do! Yes I have lost weight since the diagnosis but I needed to loose that 20 pounds so it was a blessing. This is probably because I have become aware of what I am eating and how much I am eating. I am teaching myself to eat slower so that when I am older I hope it will help with the challenges that Parkinson's can cause. I also have nausea from the medicine and soemtimes dinner just does not sound good. 
Yes I can have the Parkinson's stare and look on my face. But my mind is smiling and laughing and I am happy. How can I not be happy? With all the challenges we face we all also have pretty good lives here in this great country.
I am also learning to walk slower. Shorter steps and heel first. This has helped with the stumbling and when I am older I hope this life change will help keep me from the falls that can hurt Parkinson;'s sufferers. 
I am not dying. I am not leaving my job. I LOVE MY JOB!. I am retiring from 4-H because I do need to take it a little bit easy but I am alive and well. Yes I have struggles but I also have God.
You see my God is great and he gave everything so that I can live a great life. Through God I am blessed and through God I am HEALED. He is always by my side no matter the struggle and trust me there are many struggles in my life that can be more challenging then Parkinson's. 
Thank you for taking this journey and for reading my story and sharing my blog. The calls of support and encouragement are daily reminders that I live in a great community of many amazing people.  
Tomorrow I will climb out of bed. I will have slept very little but I will head out into the world with an angle on my shoulder, God by my side and an amazing community walking with me on "My Journey."

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

"How Great Is Our God"

The splendor of a king
Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice

He wraps Himself in light,
And darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice

How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see
How great, how great is our God

Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end

The Godhead Three in One
Father, Spirit and Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb

How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see
How great, how great is our God

Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

Name above all names
You are worthy of all praise
And my heart will sing
How great is our God

How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see
How great, how great is our God

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

We Were Wildcats


Editors Note: High School can be a very difficult time for many teenagers. Peer pressure, dating, grades, dances, and so much more. It can be a defining moment in our lives. For me, it was a blessing. A blessing because I went to Sonora High. The same school that my parents, cousins, aunts, uncles and siblings went too. A blessing, because I met lifelong friends and had my life changed on the athletic field. But not the way that many would believe.

Tonight, I write with my life long friend Steve Southard. Mr Southard, as I still respectfully and loving call him, was the Student Activities Director and a good one. So good he was just placed into the Hall of Fame. Really, look it up. They did not have to put his name on a wall for us in the Class of 1984 to know that he was a special friend. Tonight, we share our journey through life. From 9th grade to Parkinson's and beyond.

When I walked into my freshman PE class that hot day I was a tall skinny kid not and real excited about what was to come. I was warned about sweat days and at that point had already been tied to a flag pole by one of my brothers upper class friends. All in fun of course.

When I saw my PE teacher I was amused. There he stood short and muscular. He had a smile like David Letterman and he looked a bit like Papa Smurf. He made me laugh. Not by the way he looked but by what he said. He had a sarcastic wonderful sense of humor and I knew I could dig this guy.

Steve Southard

It all started when a skinny kid walked into my classroom.  He was just 14 or 15 years old, but such a cutie.  I knew he was the little brother of a student I thought a lot of, but, since I always judged kids based on who they were and not their siblings, I didn’t know what to expect.  I also learned that his name was Ronnie, Ronnie  Hamilton.  It didn’t take long to realize that he was different from most.  He seemed polite.  Courteous.  Funny.  Sincere.  Reliable.  Other kids didn’t seem to know what to think, but, he was likeable.  I had already come to the conclusion that Sonora High was a place where kids accepted others. I remember seeing him in all white with a green scarf; unusual for me, coming from my first teaching experience in the Bay Area.  I found out that he was in 4H.  I then realized why he seemed so reliable and nice.  It’s a head and heart thing.  Anyway, as time went on, I came to rely on him.  He was solid.  I always appreciated kids who were solid. 

During his time at Sonora High, Ronnie and I seemed to move from teacher/student, to friends.  When he became a cheerleader, it was even more evident that we had even more in common, because I was a yell leader in high school, also.  I will never forget when Ronnie and his brother, George, asked me to speak at a 4-H function.  From that, another invitation came from 4-H to speak in Exeter, CA.  That began a whole different chapter in my life, and I will be forever grateful to the two of them.

I was indeed different in high school. I was in the 4-H organization and yes had to wear a green tie. That made me different in a good way and Steve saw that in me. He encouraged it. When I was not at work he encouraged me to stay after school and be involved. We learned about leadership, commitment, team work, life and death. 

Through my early years Mr. Southard always supported my outside activities just as much as my school activities and he always seemed to know what was going on in my life. As I journeyed through school we became closer but it was my senior year that I really noticed  that our lives were going to be forever as friends. 

It was on one Friday night when I first started as a cheerleader. As I mentioned in a previous Blog I could not do sports due my head injuries so I became a cheerleader. We were at a game and Erik and I were of course getting some really rude insults thrown our way. Suddenly, it stopped and we noticed that without any words there was Southard. He was standing there with this glare on his face that said "I dare you to say one more thing. If you do you will deal with me." Between his support and members of the football team it stopped right then and there. No more insults. After all we were all playing on the same team,. We were Wildcats!

We were 17 and 18 year olds ready to attack the world when tragedy struck that cold fall morning. None of us will soon forget where we were when we learned that Susan had been killed. While we wondered in shock and staff members were in grief Southard was their to guide us through our emotions. He was a true champion for us.

When we went to the Giant/Dodger game, Southard was there. When we went to Grad Nite, Southard was there. When I got a black eye at ditch day, Southard was there. When I walked across that stage and was handed my diploma, well Southard was there. Then suddenly we were 17 and 18 year old kids leaving to attack the world and we were confident because our leader had showed us that we could be pianists, lawyers, teachers, moms and dads. All we needed was courage and encouragement and we learned that from you, Steve.


But, what about the friendship that began so long ago, and why it is still alive?  Why is it that when we haven’t seen each other for many months, and sometimes years, that the friendship is there and the time apart just melts away?  I think it is because over time, we begin to see how comfortable someone makes us when we are in their presence.  We see how they handle the easy times, as well as the difficult times.  We see how they love others.  We know what motivates them.  We know their struggles.  We know their accomplishments.  We know them. 

In my heart, I know Ronnie.  Ronnie is my friend.  When he was diagnosed with a brain issue, I got to see the stuff of which he was made.  He was strong.  He continued on with a strength that was impressive.  It was a lemons/lemonade attitude.  I admired that.  When he got married to Krishna, I got to witness him becoming a loving and devoted husband.  And, when the kids were born, he became a never-miss-anything dad! 

And now, with Parkinson’s entering his life, I am witnessing the same type of attitude.  The only difference is that there is a bit of gray and even more wisdom.  The love is still there.  The compassion hasn’t gone away.  His sense of humor has yet to fade.

When challenges come into my life I always call out to God. The bible says:

Matthew 28:20
Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Often people say I don't see God when I call for him to be there.I say to you he may not be seen but he is there. For me the peace I get is knowing that God sends others to care for us in hard times and he always will. Steve is my friend that God sends in all times good and bad.Steve inspires me in all I do. He never judges me. He only gives positive support.

When 4-H honored me with a State Award, Steve was there. When I married Krishna, Steve was there. When I had brain surgery he was one of the first to call me. When I Graduated with My Masters Steve was there. When I became a new school Administrator he was there to encourage and support. and when I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease he gave me a strong hug and whispered I will always love you. Being my teacher did not end for Steve when I was handed a diploma it continues everyday. Out of all of the thousands of students he impacted, he still keeps me in my life and makes me feel special. There are many that can say the same thing.


How could I not want this man to continue being my friend?  He inspires me.  He reminds me. He impresses me.

Friendships stand the test of time because of the similarity of the friends.  I know that every time Ronnie and I see each other, he lets me know how important I am to him.  I feel the same way about him.  We share the same love of others.  Many of our visions are the same.  We approach life in the same manner.  We both have wonderful wives.  Awesome kids.  The same profession.  Longtime friends have a lot in common.  That’s us.

Last week, I was riding the bus from Grad Nite and thinking of my long time friend and all that he has done for me. It was early in the morning and I was so tired I could not sleep. My legs hurt, my head hurt and I wondered about my future and what Parkinson's held in store for me. I was thinking of Steve and Grad Nite 1984 when all of a sudden I got a text. It was Steve checking on  me. Of course. Suddenly, I felt as if it was freshman year and I was walking into gym class all over again. I see that smile and that papa smurf face. As I read his text I can hear his voice. It brings me peace and a smile.


It all started when a skinny kid entered my classroom.

And he will forever travel with me on "My Journey."

Steve Southard 1984
Grad Nite Disneyland 1984
My buddy Chip or Dale. 

37 years later he is still my mentor,
my encourager and my friend.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Keep Your Eyes On Me


My Journey takes many unexpected twists and turns as I move through life and since I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease I have come to realize the impact and value that true friends have on my life. During this series I am sharing how I survive Parkinson's with friendship. As I move into the next series I will explore the different approaches those close to me take as they battle the disease with their loved ones. Today I am joined by Jodi Ditler. Our lives intertwine like a grape vine and at each turn we find that God is there. Good and bad his love is true. And so is our friendship.

When I was a young kid at Jamestown school I remember the best part of the day was lunch. When I arrived early for band practice I could smell the wonderful aroma coming from Mrs. Sardella's kitchen. Early in the morning she was baking the wonderful chocolate cakes or cookies and you would drool wanting to go eat lunch at 7:30 in the morning. There were many days I would pop into the kitchen just to say hello so that I could breathe in that amazing smell.

That is where I first met Jodi. I remember her sitting there one morning eating cereal as her grandma was cooking our lunches. Little did I know that one day the little girl would share a journey with me that no one wants to take, a journey that would end up challenging our greatest faith in God and guess what? He would win.

 My dear friend Ron, as I think about our journey together only God could know how our stories would encourage, help, support, lift-up and love one another through some of the most toughest and challenging times of our lives, but because of Jesus we have been able to walk this life with our faith and trust in the Lord.
I have had the privilege of not only being Ron's friend but his hair stylist too for over 25 years. There are some major events that Ron's family and ours that we have walked through together. When Ron was diagnosed with Chari and had to have brain surgery I felt helpless for him and I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. With the support of my co-workers family and friends I asked them if they would like to help do a spaghetti dinner benefit fundraiser/auction to help cover some of the medical costs. I never in my wildest dreams would believe how wonderful this community came together for this most deserving family as we watch Ron and his family today pay it forward to those who are in need also. Which leads me to another part of my journey with Ron and Kris.... It's there example of Jesus before I had a personal relationship with him. So for that I thank you and you two know what I'm talking about.

When I walked into Jodi's shop she could see the struggle all over my face. I gave her a hug and told her the news about my Chiari, We just hugged what words could be said. Soon Rob walked in and he too just hugged me. I was not scared. I told Jodi that there was no way I was letting some nurse shave my head so I sat down and right then and there she shaved my head for the surgery.

She said "I want to help with the expenses can I do a fundraiser?" I had done fundraisers for others but the thought of one being done for me was a nit overwhelming and I must admit a little embarrassing. She said this community loves you let them. So I agreed. The bible says:
 Proverbs 11:25-26
 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

I knew if I denied a blessing I would not be allowing Gods work to be done. Plus God blesses those who bless us and I wanted others to be blessed.
The dinner was a shocking turn out. Then Jodi and her team over saw the handling of all the funds and the bills so that no one would question where any of the money went. In true fashion this friend of mine was protecting me from harm while holding my family up to God.

As my relationship grew with Ron, Kris and there 3 amazing kids our lives became more like family than friends. I could sense that my friend Ron was struggling at times but he always had a smile on his face even when he was hurting inside he always had a kind word to say and always had a hug to give. On July 9 2007 our son Joshua took his life at the age of 19 years old. It was on a Monday and the Fair was that week. I didn't even realize what was going on when I asked my friend Ron if he would help me by being a part of our sons service. Fair time for Ron is a full time commitment of it's own and because of the person Ron is he helped us in our time of need. Selfless & humble... when he was fighting his own pains! God is his strength and rescue that is what my friend Ron was showing me. Praise the Lord!

Josh Ditler

I remember that moment as if it just happened this morning. I was standing in the barn at the fairgrounds covered in mud and sweat when I was told about Josh. The kids in the barn instantly knew that this was a major deal to me and I tried to hold my emotions in check but all the while my brain was screaming. It was a constant blur of how can this have happened?Within minutes I was at their house and as I walked towards Rob I was thinking "What do I say?" As we embraced I said I am sorry. It sounded so empty. This man had just lost his son and it sounded so empty. I said I love you. Still so empty. He just kept saying I know. Saturday was the funeral. There were so many people at the church and of course there was as Josh and the Ditler's are so loved in this town. Soon it was my turn to do my song. As I stood on stage and and signed Home by Chris Daughtry I watched Jodi as she was mouthing the words. Her hand was raised in the air and she had a total peace in her expression. That is when it hit me. GOD IS HERE.Of course he was. He is always here. You see God does not just show up when you want him to or when it is convenient for you. GOD IS ALWAYS HERE.

I'm horrible at years but a few years ago we got to share our testimony at church together and the most amazing outcome of that is that God has taken these trials and turned them into testimonies. When you shared with me that you had been now diagnosed with Parkinson's disease my 1st thought was
"You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you" I've watch you go through so much and you have "always" given Glory to our God! You are  a man of integrity and and you have always put others needs before your. I am proud to call you my friend my brother in Christ and I love with an ever lasting eternity. Thank you Ron for inviting me into your journey, your family, your life. We know that in the end there will be no sickness or pain but everlasting life. Glory be to God!!!! I love you!

John 15:12-13
This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.
So my friends this is what you must understand. God is always here. He is here in the good times and he is here is the bad times. When we lose a child he carries us and we heal and he is glorified. When we are diagnosed with Parkinson's he is here and he carries us and he is glorified. He loves us.
So on those days when I am shaking or my legs are weak and hurting or my memory is off and I try to hide it out of shame or embarrassment I need to remember that God is here and he loves me for who I am. Like Jodi says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

(Jodi Shared this with me today just before I wrote this Blog.)

Good morning Ron I just wanted to share with you that last night we got to give out 4 scholarships in memory of Joshua. Before Robert could speak he got so choked up I placed my hand on his back and said breath in Jesus name and you could hear a pin drop as my precious husband glorified God for why we were there under the most tragic pain of our lives but look of the good and the blessing that is coming from it! As I get to be in your  life and the life of your family  I see the good that is coming from what you are walking through . The greatest truth is Ron we are never alone and we get to walk it together! Once again our God has been so good to us. I love you Ron!

Isn't God great.? He is and we should use everything in our lives that is good and bad to bring him glory.You see I did not choose Parkinson's disease but I have it. I did choose God and he has me. Tonight, I will lay my head on my pillow and today's journey will be over. In the middle of the night when the leg cramps wake me up my new journey will begin. This will repeat itself everyday until my journey here ends. Each day my friends will carry me and my God will love. This is where I get my strength to do battle and it is what carries me through life and on "My Journey."


Ain't it just like a tear
To go and blur out everything
Ain't it just like glass
To fall and break so easily
Ain't it just like love
To leave a mark on the skin and underneath
Yeah, when the pain goes and shadows everything

Keep your eyes on me
Keep your eyes on me
When it hurts too much to see
Keep your eyes on me

Ain't it the sinner
Who gets all the grace sometimes
Ain't it the saint
Who picks up the pieces left behind
Yeah, and it's human to hurt the one
You hurt the one you love the most
And you can't find the sun

Keep your eyes on me
When you're lost in the dark
Keep your eyes on me
When the light in your heart is
Too burned out to see
Keep your eyes on me

You swear you're all alone sometimes
Keep your eyes on me
And you can't find your way home sometimes
Keep your eyes on me
Keep your eyes on me

Keep your eyes on me
When you're lost in the dark
Keep your eyes on me
When the light in your heart is
Too burned out to see
Keep your eyes on me

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Shagging Flies


Friendship Series

When life is good and bad God is there. He may be there in the the form of an answered prayer or in the healing of a sick child. Sometimes he is there in the form of a friend. When life hands you a burdened it is always easier when there are two heads, two hearts and four hands working to solve the problem. I found that kind of friend in a person that came into my life many years ago. He has become a part of" My Journey" and tonight, Pat Griswold and I share our journey of over 40 years as friends.


 So our friendship begins the year I started attending Jamestown Elementary School in 1977. We didn't hang out in the same circles or do the same activities. Ron was more of the intellectual, educational, traveling around the country meeting people type of high school student where I was the skinny kid who loved playing basketball at lunch and eventually started playing soccer. Our friendship grew stronger when I came home from the Air Force. One memory that sticks in both of our minds is a time that we had outside of a Chevron gas station. We could find any situation and make it a laughing moment. Even the stupidest stuff. 

Pat is a little older and his memory is slipping so let me catch you up. :) When Pat came to Jamestown we played some sports together after school and many times we would shoot hopes at recess. As we grew older we formed a friendship that would become stronger especially after Pat joined the military. To this day I am so proud to say that my buddy served his country and wore the red, white and blue with dignity.


Ron became one of those friends that you knew you could call on, you knew you could rely on him in a pinch and he would always have your back. We played softball together, he was our pitcher and I played infield. We had a lot of fun and eventually won a league title.  He loves baseball so it transferred over to softball, he was very intense. 

The beauty of our friendship is it grew on and off the field. I was on a journey in life that hit some snags and Pat was there to encourage me. When life was good we celebrated and when it was rough we carried each other. The bible says:

Ecclesiastes 4:9 

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

This is how our friendship worked. When his mom passed I walked with him as we laid her to rest. When a really special person in my life passed away Pat was there to shed tears with me. Yes men cry when life hurts and Pat and I have had our share of tears. Many of sadness and many of joy.


 In March 1991, I had a wondrous thing happen. I became a father for the first time and from that moment on he and Krishna became Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Kris. Ron and I had become brothers. I have 4 sisters, he was the closet thing to being a brother I had.  I was raising my young daughter on my own and Uncle Ronnie & Aunt Kris offered to take her to Disneyland with them and their family (I still don't have pics of that trip by the way). I knew she was in good hands. 

Hi Dad!

We would continue to be family over the next few years and when I met my future bride Nicole, there was only one person that ever came to mind to ask to be my best man, my younger brother Ron (he always makes fun of me for being older even though he always had a hard time remembering when my birthday was). I never forget when his was (Aug 18). I had it easy though because it was the same as one of my nieces. So on that day in April 1998, Ron stood by me as I married the love of my life. The two children that I accepted as my own would soon learn to call him Uncle Ronnie and her Aunt Kris and to this day they are still called that. 

When I met Krishna I called Pat right away and told him I was in love. Immediately, Kris and Pat hit it off. Of course they did as he has a wonderful laugh and sense of humor and is easy to love. When I gave my heart away Pat was there by my side in the wedding to witness me saying "I Do".  As we added kids Pat was there. When he met Nicole we rejoiced because a friend like Pat deserved the same love in life that Kris and I had with each other. Nicole completed him.


 In May 1999, in the middle of the night, Ron came through again and volunteered to come pick up the kids when Nicole went into labor. He brought them to the birth center after their little brother was born. Ron was one of the first to see his new "nephew".  That child learned as the others did who Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Kris were. Our 2 families became those families that may not spend a lot of time together but whenever we do, it's hugs all around and catching up is easy. We need to do that more!   

Ron has seen the two older children graduate from Sonora High and when another was lost in school, he pulled her back in and guided her to graduation. He is about to see that last "nephew" graduate this June and I'm sure he will be proud, even though he can't remember his name and calls him by his older brothers name (that's not the Parkinson's). 

When Ron told me that he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's, I didn't get upset. I knew that his faith would give him the strength to battle this and just the other day we joked about it. Ron faces problems head on and doesn't say "why me."  His children couldn't have asked for a better father and role model. 

Pat was the first friend I called to tell about my Chiari and then my Parkinson's. I knew he would be of great support and would not run away in fear.

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times

No matter the call in the middle of the night that is what friends do, they love at all times. When you are in trouble you call out and you know you have back up. It's like during batting practice when you are shagging fly balls. When you yell out  "I got it" your friend does not beat you up if you drop one. Instead, they encourage you or they make fun of you, or better yet they catch it when you miss.


Ron has been in my life in one way or another and will continue to be no matter how many miles are between us. I love him and will always support him.  He has always been a great uncle to my kids, a great brother to me, a great friend to my wife and a great person to so many others. 

I can't shag fly balls anymore but if I had a bucket list there is one thing I know I would have on it. That is, that one day I would love to pitch one more inning. To take the mound and feel the sun on my neck and the wind under the brim of my hat. I would get grass stains on my pants and strawberry burns from sliding into second. I would smell the hot dogs at the concession stand and lick the dirt from my finger tips.

The umpire, Jeff Darone, would yell "Play Ball!" I would check the outfield. My brother Sean would be in right, Marc would be in center and Donnie in left. I would look in for the sign from George catching  and then I would wind up and let it fly.  There they would all be. My brother Bill at third, John at first, Ray at short and behind me at second base would be my buddy Pat. They would all be yelling encouragement and covering the infield of my life as I make "My Journey."

May God Bless you all today and everyday and may your day be filled with extra innings and plenty of hot dogs with mustard and relish.

The Best

What kind of love is the best kind of love?
The one above all the rest of the loves.
Grab a hat, a bat, a ball, and a glove.
It's the love that I feel for you.
What kind of day is the best kind of day?
Makes up for all of the rest of the days.
The park, the backyard, I don't care where we play.
As long as I'm with you.
Know I'll miss you deep inside.
I wish that we could go outside, to have a catch or two.
What kind of place is this strange scary place?
And who put these tears and this dirt on my face?
No matter the score or the count at the plate.
I'll still be swinging for you.
'Cause I need you in my life.
Wish that we could go outside.
Just to have a catch or two, me and you.
What kind of love is the best kind of love?
The love above all the rest of the loves.
Take the ball, the hat, my bat and the glove.
It's a whole lot of nothing without you.
And I'll be waiting here outside.
Spring or Fall, rain or shine.
To have a catch or two.
'Cause your kind of love is the best kind of love.
The best that love could ever do.

Monday, May 8, 2017

If I had Only One Friend Left
I'd Want It To Be You

Friendship Series
Editors Note: This is a second in my series of friendship. We need friends to help heal and carry us during our down times. Its what we do for each other that counts.It is appropriate that tonight of all nights it is Erin Gray. You see I met Erin in 4-H and tonight was my last official night as club leader. After 43 years I an retiring from 4-H and I will miss meeting new friends like Erin. 

The Lord works in mysterious ways. He brings people in and out of our lives at critical times because he knows that we need them. Tonight I am joined by my sweet friend Erin Gray. Together we have had a million laughs and a million tears. No matter the challenges we know that we have each other and will always be there for each other no matter what the task may be. No matter what is going on with us there are those that need us and in the end we realize that helping them saved us. 
Even though Im not NEARLY as old as you are, my memory is a bit foggy so Ill do my best to provide a timeline of the start of what is one of my most endearing friendships to date.  I believe it was when my baby girl was in the 6th grade (so around 2007 or so) that she began 4-H.  Attending meetings with her and getting her involved in community activities was beneficial to us both.  I had heard the name Ron Hamilton several times throughout the years and knew that you were highly involved in the community.  What I didnt realize was that when Taylor and I arrived at our first 4-H meeting you were the head cheese of the Tuolumne Pioneers.  In Ron Hamilton style you welcomed Tay & I into your gang of 4-H-ers and it was then that I realized we were there to stay.

This Taylor kid was indeed one unique specimen. She needed a place to raise her pig so my parents, being the wonderful people they are, let Taylor raise her pigs with us at Grammie and Papa's house. One rule, she could not call them Mr. and Mrs. It was Papa and Grammie. You see friendship and understanding is learned early in the Hamilton houses.
One day Taylor was in the pen the pig knocked her face first into the mud. When she got up her face was one big smile covered with pig mud. It was even in her braces. Did she complain? Nope, she laughed and kept right on going. Meanwhile Erin, Krishna and I were becoming strong friends. It was so easy to be friends with Erin because she did not judge us she loved us and we treated her the same way.

Can you imagine I cannot find my picture of me with Erin.
She is a wonderful mom, daughter and friend. 

I recall that when it came time for Taylor to go pick up her pig I once again felt like the incompetent mom who couldnt go with her.  I was a single mom and well, this thing called work needed to be done.  You didnt even hesitate to take Taylor under your wing and take her on her first pig adventure.  I remember Taylor coming home that day and telling me how much fun she had
Throughout the years Taylor was treated as another one of your rugrats.  Taylor, Lance & I all fell in love with the Hamilton family.  I never felt uncomfortable with you so sharing some pretty personal events was easy as you always understood.  One that sticks out most recently is in 2014 when my husband left me.  I was so scared to once again approach life as a single mom and sole provider of my household.  It was a sudden event out of nowhere and I was embarrassed a little to ask you if you had connections for food assistance because I was instantly in a spot where I couldnt even purchase a loaf of bread for Lance.  You told me to come to your house the night and you said everything will be alright.  When I got there you had several bags of groceries for Lance and I.  I sob as I type this remembering what an overwhelming gesture this was to me and my son in a desperate and scary time of my life.  When you collected the food you were giving me you had kept in mind my habits of eating.  It was pure love and thoughtfulness that was in each item in those paper grocery bags.  I had NO IDEA that you had done that. 

So many times in my life when we were going through the challenges of medical problems we found ourselves needing the support of those around us so it was comforting to know I could give back. The amazing part was that Erin, Taylor and Lance were always giving of themselves. You see you do not need money to help others when they are down. Heck I have proven that time and again. All you need to do is understand, love and listen. 
That is what Erin does best. She understands, loves and listens. She understands that I am not perfect and that God will be working on me for a very long time. She loves me for who I am not what I am. A friend. She listens when I need an ear. These are great qualities.
The beauty of it all is while we were raising kids and becoming friends we were learning together how to give to our wonderful community. I cant tell you how many times Erin and Taylor teamed up with us to raise money for those in need, the cancer society or a good cause. We found out that in this community that was busy blessing us there was a way we could bless back.
The bible says:
Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

This is what a friend like Erin does for me. You see she does not have any answers to heal Chairi or Parkinson's Disease. She does not have a lotto ticket to pay off my medical bills. What she has is love and love has a way of helping us through hard times. She gives me hope, A hope in a society that at times seems destine to destroy each other and then along comes Erin and you know that good times are coming. God has shown me that in her smile. God promises us that even in hard times there is hope and I find that hope in friends like Erin.


The following year Taylor was getting married.  There wasnt even a question of who she wanted to marry her and Sammy.  Taylor not having her biological father in her life, she always looked to you knowing you were her safety.  It made my heart so happy knowing that she was going to propose to you to have you marry her and her future husband.  What a personal thing that was to all of us!

There is where I found my value. My way to payback as some would say. I had the joy of taking that beautiful girl and officiating her wedding. What a gift I was given. Imagine how I felt knowing that I was loved so much that I got to marry Taylor to Sam. The honor of watching these two marvelous kids say I do.

There are so many things between 2007 and today that transpired between you and I.  Having you as one of my best friends has been one of the greatest gifts that I have been given in my (uh-em) 42 years.  A friend once told me that true friendship is like a circle.  Although you may not see one another for days, weeks or months, a true friend is someone that - when you do meet back around - you pick up like there was no time lost.  Just like a circle there is no beginning and no end.  You are my circle friend and I love you and your family dearly.  I appreciate you more than you will ever know. 
            From my heart,
            Your Circle Friend, Erin

If you want to help someone or help your self, become a friend. The simplest things in life are made bigger with the love of a friend and the biggest worries in life become smaller because a friend loves you.I would never have made it over the obstacles had it not been for those like Erin. A true friend that I can call on anytime for love and support and I am thankful that she will forever remain a companion on "My Journey."