Friday, May 12, 2017

Keep Your Eyes On Me


My Journey takes many unexpected twists and turns as I move through life and since I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease I have come to realize the impact and value that true friends have on my life. During this series I am sharing how I survive Parkinson's with friendship. As I move into the next series I will explore the different approaches those close to me take as they battle the disease with their loved ones. Today I am joined by Jodi Ditler. Our lives intertwine like a grape vine and at each turn we find that God is there. Good and bad his love is true. And so is our friendship.

When I was a young kid at Jamestown school I remember the best part of the day was lunch. When I arrived early for band practice I could smell the wonderful aroma coming from Mrs. Sardella's kitchen. Early in the morning she was baking the wonderful chocolate cakes or cookies and you would drool wanting to go eat lunch at 7:30 in the morning. There were many days I would pop into the kitchen just to say hello so that I could breathe in that amazing smell.

That is where I first met Jodi. I remember her sitting there one morning eating cereal as her grandma was cooking our lunches. Little did I know that one day the little girl would share a journey with me that no one wants to take, a journey that would end up challenging our greatest faith in God and guess what? He would win.

 My dear friend Ron, as I think about our journey together only God could know how our stories would encourage, help, support, lift-up and love one another through some of the most toughest and challenging times of our lives, but because of Jesus we have been able to walk this life with our faith and trust in the Lord.
I have had the privilege of not only being Ron's friend but his hair stylist too for over 25 years. There are some major events that Ron's family and ours that we have walked through together. When Ron was diagnosed with Chari and had to have brain surgery I felt helpless for him and I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. With the support of my co-workers family and friends I asked them if they would like to help do a spaghetti dinner benefit fundraiser/auction to help cover some of the medical costs. I never in my wildest dreams would believe how wonderful this community came together for this most deserving family as we watch Ron and his family today pay it forward to those who are in need also. Which leads me to another part of my journey with Ron and Kris.... It's there example of Jesus before I had a personal relationship with him. So for that I thank you and you two know what I'm talking about.

When I walked into Jodi's shop she could see the struggle all over my face. I gave her a hug and told her the news about my Chiari, We just hugged what words could be said. Soon Rob walked in and he too just hugged me. I was not scared. I told Jodi that there was no way I was letting some nurse shave my head so I sat down and right then and there she shaved my head for the surgery.

She said "I want to help with the expenses can I do a fundraiser?" I had done fundraisers for others but the thought of one being done for me was a nit overwhelming and I must admit a little embarrassing. She said this community loves you let them. So I agreed. The bible says:
 Proverbs 11:25-26
 Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

I knew if I denied a blessing I would not be allowing Gods work to be done. Plus God blesses those who bless us and I wanted others to be blessed.
The dinner was a shocking turn out. Then Jodi and her team over saw the handling of all the funds and the bills so that no one would question where any of the money went. In true fashion this friend of mine was protecting me from harm while holding my family up to God.

As my relationship grew with Ron, Kris and there 3 amazing kids our lives became more like family than friends. I could sense that my friend Ron was struggling at times but he always had a smile on his face even when he was hurting inside he always had a kind word to say and always had a hug to give. On July 9 2007 our son Joshua took his life at the age of 19 years old. It was on a Monday and the Fair was that week. I didn't even realize what was going on when I asked my friend Ron if he would help me by being a part of our sons service. Fair time for Ron is a full time commitment of it's own and because of the person Ron is he helped us in our time of need. Selfless & humble... when he was fighting his own pains! God is his strength and rescue that is what my friend Ron was showing me. Praise the Lord!

Josh Ditler

I remember that moment as if it just happened this morning. I was standing in the barn at the fairgrounds covered in mud and sweat when I was told about Josh. The kids in the barn instantly knew that this was a major deal to me and I tried to hold my emotions in check but all the while my brain was screaming. It was a constant blur of how can this have happened?Within minutes I was at their house and as I walked towards Rob I was thinking "What do I say?" As we embraced I said I am sorry. It sounded so empty. This man had just lost his son and it sounded so empty. I said I love you. Still so empty. He just kept saying I know. Saturday was the funeral. There were so many people at the church and of course there was as Josh and the Ditler's are so loved in this town. Soon it was my turn to do my song. As I stood on stage and and signed Home by Chris Daughtry I watched Jodi as she was mouthing the words. Her hand was raised in the air and she had a total peace in her expression. That is when it hit me. GOD IS HERE.Of course he was. He is always here. You see God does not just show up when you want him to or when it is convenient for you. GOD IS ALWAYS HERE.

I'm horrible at years but a few years ago we got to share our testimony at church together and the most amazing outcome of that is that God has taken these trials and turned them into testimonies. When you shared with me that you had been now diagnosed with Parkinson's disease my 1st thought was
"You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you" I've watch you go through so much and you have "always" given Glory to our God! You are  a man of integrity and and you have always put others needs before your. I am proud to call you my friend my brother in Christ and I love with an ever lasting eternity. Thank you Ron for inviting me into your journey, your family, your life. We know that in the end there will be no sickness or pain but everlasting life. Glory be to God!!!! I love you!

John 15:12-13
This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.
So my friends this is what you must understand. God is always here. He is here in the good times and he is here is the bad times. When we lose a child he carries us and we heal and he is glorified. When we are diagnosed with Parkinson's he is here and he carries us and he is glorified. He loves us.
So on those days when I am shaking or my legs are weak and hurting or my memory is off and I try to hide it out of shame or embarrassment I need to remember that God is here and he loves me for who I am. Like Jodi says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

(Jodi Shared this with me today just before I wrote this Blog.)

Good morning Ron I just wanted to share with you that last night we got to give out 4 scholarships in memory of Joshua. Before Robert could speak he got so choked up I placed my hand on his back and said breath in Jesus name and you could hear a pin drop as my precious husband glorified God for why we were there under the most tragic pain of our lives but look of the good and the blessing that is coming from it! As I get to be in your  life and the life of your family  I see the good that is coming from what you are walking through . The greatest truth is Ron we are never alone and we get to walk it together! Once again our God has been so good to us. I love you Ron!

Isn't God great.? He is and we should use everything in our lives that is good and bad to bring him glory.You see I did not choose Parkinson's disease but I have it. I did choose God and he has me. Tonight, I will lay my head on my pillow and today's journey will be over. In the middle of the night when the leg cramps wake me up my new journey will begin. This will repeat itself everyday until my journey here ends. Each day my friends will carry me and my God will love. This is where I get my strength to do battle and it is what carries me through life and on "My Journey."


Ain't it just like a tear
To go and blur out everything
Ain't it just like glass
To fall and break so easily
Ain't it just like love
To leave a mark on the skin and underneath
Yeah, when the pain goes and shadows everything

Keep your eyes on me
Keep your eyes on me
When it hurts too much to see
Keep your eyes on me

Ain't it the sinner
Who gets all the grace sometimes
Ain't it the saint
Who picks up the pieces left behind
Yeah, and it's human to hurt the one
You hurt the one you love the most
And you can't find the sun

Keep your eyes on me
When you're lost in the dark
Keep your eyes on me
When the light in your heart is
Too burned out to see
Keep your eyes on me

You swear you're all alone sometimes
Keep your eyes on me
And you can't find your way home sometimes
Keep your eyes on me
Keep your eyes on me

Keep your eyes on me
When you're lost in the dark
Keep your eyes on me
When the light in your heart is
Too burned out to see
Keep your eyes on me


  1. I love you Jodi Ditler, and I love you Ron Hamilton❤️🙏🏻😙

  2. God Bless you all 💜

  3. Once again brought to tears...These events seem like yesterday, hearts broken, our community coming together whether to support Ron and Kris through health challenges that create financial chaos, or to embrace Robert and Jodi in their deepest pain. I Love both of your families so dearly. You are precious gifts. Thank you for being you, for letting go and letting God, for being transparent and allowing all of us to share in your Journey. Glory be to our Lord Jesus! ❤️
