Monday, May 8, 2017

If I had Only One Friend Left
I'd Want It To Be You

Friendship Series
Editors Note: This is a second in my series of friendship. We need friends to help heal and carry us during our down times. Its what we do for each other that counts.It is appropriate that tonight of all nights it is Erin Gray. You see I met Erin in 4-H and tonight was my last official night as club leader. After 43 years I an retiring from 4-H and I will miss meeting new friends like Erin. 

The Lord works in mysterious ways. He brings people in and out of our lives at critical times because he knows that we need them. Tonight I am joined by my sweet friend Erin Gray. Together we have had a million laughs and a million tears. No matter the challenges we know that we have each other and will always be there for each other no matter what the task may be. No matter what is going on with us there are those that need us and in the end we realize that helping them saved us. 
Even though Im not NEARLY as old as you are, my memory is a bit foggy so Ill do my best to provide a timeline of the start of what is one of my most endearing friendships to date.  I believe it was when my baby girl was in the 6th grade (so around 2007 or so) that she began 4-H.  Attending meetings with her and getting her involved in community activities was beneficial to us both.  I had heard the name Ron Hamilton several times throughout the years and knew that you were highly involved in the community.  What I didnt realize was that when Taylor and I arrived at our first 4-H meeting you were the head cheese of the Tuolumne Pioneers.  In Ron Hamilton style you welcomed Tay & I into your gang of 4-H-ers and it was then that I realized we were there to stay.

This Taylor kid was indeed one unique specimen. She needed a place to raise her pig so my parents, being the wonderful people they are, let Taylor raise her pigs with us at Grammie and Papa's house. One rule, she could not call them Mr. and Mrs. It was Papa and Grammie. You see friendship and understanding is learned early in the Hamilton houses.
One day Taylor was in the pen the pig knocked her face first into the mud. When she got up her face was one big smile covered with pig mud. It was even in her braces. Did she complain? Nope, she laughed and kept right on going. Meanwhile Erin, Krishna and I were becoming strong friends. It was so easy to be friends with Erin because she did not judge us she loved us and we treated her the same way.

Can you imagine I cannot find my picture of me with Erin.
She is a wonderful mom, daughter and friend. 

I recall that when it came time for Taylor to go pick up her pig I once again felt like the incompetent mom who couldnt go with her.  I was a single mom and well, this thing called work needed to be done.  You didnt even hesitate to take Taylor under your wing and take her on her first pig adventure.  I remember Taylor coming home that day and telling me how much fun she had
Throughout the years Taylor was treated as another one of your rugrats.  Taylor, Lance & I all fell in love with the Hamilton family.  I never felt uncomfortable with you so sharing some pretty personal events was easy as you always understood.  One that sticks out most recently is in 2014 when my husband left me.  I was so scared to once again approach life as a single mom and sole provider of my household.  It was a sudden event out of nowhere and I was embarrassed a little to ask you if you had connections for food assistance because I was instantly in a spot where I couldnt even purchase a loaf of bread for Lance.  You told me to come to your house the night and you said everything will be alright.  When I got there you had several bags of groceries for Lance and I.  I sob as I type this remembering what an overwhelming gesture this was to me and my son in a desperate and scary time of my life.  When you collected the food you were giving me you had kept in mind my habits of eating.  It was pure love and thoughtfulness that was in each item in those paper grocery bags.  I had NO IDEA that you had done that. 

So many times in my life when we were going through the challenges of medical problems we found ourselves needing the support of those around us so it was comforting to know I could give back. The amazing part was that Erin, Taylor and Lance were always giving of themselves. You see you do not need money to help others when they are down. Heck I have proven that time and again. All you need to do is understand, love and listen. 
That is what Erin does best. She understands, loves and listens. She understands that I am not perfect and that God will be working on me for a very long time. She loves me for who I am not what I am. A friend. She listens when I need an ear. These are great qualities.
The beauty of it all is while we were raising kids and becoming friends we were learning together how to give to our wonderful community. I cant tell you how many times Erin and Taylor teamed up with us to raise money for those in need, the cancer society or a good cause. We found out that in this community that was busy blessing us there was a way we could bless back.
The bible says:
Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

This is what a friend like Erin does for me. You see she does not have any answers to heal Chairi or Parkinson's Disease. She does not have a lotto ticket to pay off my medical bills. What she has is love and love has a way of helping us through hard times. She gives me hope, A hope in a society that at times seems destine to destroy each other and then along comes Erin and you know that good times are coming. God has shown me that in her smile. God promises us that even in hard times there is hope and I find that hope in friends like Erin.


The following year Taylor was getting married.  There wasnt even a question of who she wanted to marry her and Sammy.  Taylor not having her biological father in her life, she always looked to you knowing you were her safety.  It made my heart so happy knowing that she was going to propose to you to have you marry her and her future husband.  What a personal thing that was to all of us!

There is where I found my value. My way to payback as some would say. I had the joy of taking that beautiful girl and officiating her wedding. What a gift I was given. Imagine how I felt knowing that I was loved so much that I got to marry Taylor to Sam. The honor of watching these two marvelous kids say I do.

There are so many things between 2007 and today that transpired between you and I.  Having you as one of my best friends has been one of the greatest gifts that I have been given in my (uh-em) 42 years.  A friend once told me that true friendship is like a circle.  Although you may not see one another for days, weeks or months, a true friend is someone that - when you do meet back around - you pick up like there was no time lost.  Just like a circle there is no beginning and no end.  You are my circle friend and I love you and your family dearly.  I appreciate you more than you will ever know. 
            From my heart,
            Your Circle Friend, Erin

If you want to help someone or help your self, become a friend. The simplest things in life are made bigger with the love of a friend and the biggest worries in life become smaller because a friend loves you.I would never have made it over the obstacles had it not been for those like Erin. A true friend that I can call on anytime for love and support and I am thankful that she will forever remain a companion on "My Journey."


  1. Blog read, inspiration received, crying done - on to a blessed day! Thanks Ron!

  2. I love you, Ron. God has truly blessed me with your friendship!

  3. Erin is such a wonderful mother, friend and person. She has such a huge heart, best laugh and she genuinely cares about everyone. It is only natural that the 2 of you would gravitate towards each other. Loved reading this. 2 beautiful people ❤
