Monday, May 1, 2017

One Heart At A Time

How good and pleasant it is when
Gods people live together in unity.
Psalm 133:1
Part 2: Healing

Editors Note: In this series of Blogs I am giving ideas to all who are sick, down or burdened with the challenges of life. Last night I explored ways to let God take control and heal your soul by relieving worries, fear and anger. Tonight the healing solution is in the blessing of others. 

Everyone that knows me knows that I was raised in the 4-H program. My parents wanted us kids to work in a program that gave confidence and character while building relationships with others throughout the community. Now in my 42nd  year in the program, this year I will be saying farewell. Yes age has a little bit to do with it and so does burn out but the final factor that made my decision was my diagnoses with Parkinson's Disease.

I am not saying that I am allowing Parkinson's to slow me down but what I am saying is that there is a reality. The reality that I cant do it forever. The reality that I cant do it all. The reality that I want Krishna to not get the left ovesr in 10 years of what is left of me. It would be unfair for me to say to her "Honey I gave it all to the programs I volunteered for and now that I am in a not so good way you get what is left."

When we were growing up my parents taught us that giving is a natural way of life. If someone was in need you helped out. The elderly could always use their lawn mowed, the sick could always use a pot of chicken soup and those who lost someone could always use a meal. There were plenty of times that we needed a hand up and there was the community to offer support.

Every one can help anyone. That's right no matter where you are in life there is always someone who is a little further down the road of need or despair. There are some fighting cancer that need your prayers, others who lost a job that need a carton of milk or the neighbor next door that could use a visitor.

There are many ideas of things you can do that will help others and guess what? Along the way you heal yourself too. When we are sick, depressed, fighting a disease or a divorce there is nothing better for the body, mind and soul then helping someone else. Its in the bible. Heck everything is in the bible. The bible even tells us who is supposed to make coffee. Hebrews!

The bible says:

Hebrews 6:10

 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

See! Its right there. Go love someone and bless someone and in the mean time bless yourself and God too. Here is a fast list that offers ideas for all of us of things we can do for others. I know some of you will say. I don't have time or I don't have money or I don't have any energy. You know what those are called? EXCUSES!

Here we go:

1. Cook Someone dinner. My favorite. I love cooking Chicken and dumplings for the sick.
2. Mow someones lawn.
3. Send a fast note of encouragement.
4. Mail a letter to a stranger in the rest home saying "Hope you have a good day."
5. Raise money for a charity in someones name.
6. Call someone just to check in on them. Do you know how many suicides could be prevented if we just called to say hello?
7. Pay for the coffee for someone behind you in line.
8. Hand the homeless man a value meal.
9. Call your mother.
10. SMILE!
11. Pray for someone.
12. Bake someone dessert.
13. Take a friend who is feeling down for a meal, or a walk or a movie.
14. Send an anonymous $10.00 to someone in need.
15. Go to the PGE office and put $25.00 on the bill of someone who is falling and needs a boost. You do not need an account number just a name and street address.

I bet you can think of many many more. Currently in my house we are planning the Come In Unity dinner. A night when we serve all the First Responders in Tuolumne County a free meal. That's over 800 dinners to be exact. How? The community supports the dinner and we bless those who risk their lives to bless us. Come join us and be part of the event.

What I am saying to you is that no matter where you are in life, a great way to overcome your troubles is by helping others. You meet new people, help those who are down and you serve God at the same time. What ever you do, do it with a joyful heart and a smile on your face. Life is a challenge and I have been blessed to be a part of so many opportunities to serve others as I have made "My Journey."

Picture of the Night.
In honor of beating the Dodgers today!

We can all be heroes in the eyes of a child
When they’re looking up at us for help
Yes and we can make the difference, we can go the distance
If we are willing to give of ourselves

Just tell one heart, one heart, one heart at a time (get the picture)
And we’ll be holding on so strong with your hand in mine
We’ll be the links in a powerful chain
That can erase the tears and the pain
That’s how it starts, one heart, one heart, one heart at a time
One heart, one heart, one heart at a time

For prayer requests email:


  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. You are such an inspiration! 💙
