Sunday, May 7, 2017

Winter Spring Summer or Fall

Friendships Series

Editors Note: In the good and bad times of life friends can and do make a difference. You can meet a friend anywhere: school, church, the coffee house etc. Some stay forever, some are only here a short time while others come and go but are always a part of us. This series is a look at friendships and its healing power. Here is a short journey with my friends and the impact they have had on my life.

Tonight I start with a very long time friend and I am honored that she has agreed to write for this BLOG. Felicia Engholm Te amo mucho, aun después de todos estos años. (Boy I hope I said that correctly!)

When I was in third grade I was blessed to have a new friend enter my life. The moment I met her I knew she would be a special friend. Her smile was warm, her voice was full of kindness and she was understanding no matter what mistakes I made. What I found really cool was her amazing accent.


Ron I am amazed by the many occasions when our paths have crossed and how our friendship has grown over the years. I arrived in Jamestown in 1974 and I went to Jamestown Elementary to register Vicky in second grade. I asked the friendly secretary if there were any Head Start programs in the area, she informed me there were none yet. Then rapidly she added " If you want to work we are hiring Teacher-Aids we have two positions open and I can get you and appointment for tomorrow." This took me by surprise but her enthusiasm and friendly disposition made me say yes. I had an interview with Janet West and Letha Bishop two fantastic teachers. Since Vicky was going to be in Mrs West I took the position in third grade. I was nervous to work with older children in this country since my English accent is strong and I had work only with Pre-schoolers in Southern California. Mrs Bishop introduced me to her class as Mrs Engholm who spoke Spanish because she was from Costa Rica. There were many different expressions on the looks facing me but there was a face in the group that I will never forget. He raised his hand, I gave him permission to speak and he said" welcome to Jamestown School I am Ron Hamilton " He melted my heart and we became friends for life.

It was the simple and gentle life lessons that made Mrs. Engholm so special. Like all of us third graders she was learning about life and she shared her journey with us. If we made a mistake she would smile and tell us that it was alright she made many mistakes each day. She said we must always smile and learn from our mistakes. I remember once we were having a class contest. Mrs. Bishop was timing us on a paper of filling in the blanks and to my surprise I was the first one done. When it was corrected I won this big plastic race car that I could give to my little brother who LOVED cars like that. I was so excited looking at the car that I forgot to tell Mrs. Bishop thank you. 

As I was lost in my own world admiring my prize I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, it was Mrs, Engholm. There she was standing with a big smile on her face. She said "Congratulations Ronnie but are you forgetting to say something to Mrs. Bishop?" Of course in all my excitement I forgot to say Thank you. It sounds simple but those little life lessons made the gentle way she taught them is what made Mrs. Engholm famous.


As years went by and he went to high school my daughter and Ron became friends. There were driving times to the pool as many as they could sit in the car and Ron was one of them. Other times were finding a dead snake at my door by who???? Ron???

It is true. As the years passed our friendship became stronger and Mrs. Engholm's daughter and I were great friends. She would haul us to the county pool for swimming, coach my soccer team and always attend my events to encourage and applaud my efforts.  You see no matter the age difference we can take friendships and use them to encourage each other through good and bad times.The bible says:

Proverbs 19:20

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.

Mrs. Engholm was that voice of good advice. My parents always said that when they were not near us they knew that others in our lives would guide us and Mrs. Engholm was a loving guide to me and all my siblings.


 Also times of pain and sorrow when my husband passed away from heart failure. Ron you called me to apologize for not been at the station that day when the call came in.

I still remember the day her husband passed. I was a volunteer fireman and was not in town when the emergency call came in for help. I felt horrible. I know that I could not have changed the outcome but I could have been there to hug Felicia and hold her up in her time of need. That is what friends do. 

Each time my life has been rocked by set backs I have crossed paths with my wonderful friend and her love and encouragement always brighten my day. Just her presence, her words and her smile. I see God in her and I feel strength to overcome because of the joy that she brings to my life. Because of Felicia I have a Masters Degree in Education. You see many years ago she and many other wonderful ladies raised money to give a scholarship and I was selected. To those ladies it was just a bake sale for a student or a car wash for a kid, but to me it was life changing.


Our paths continue to cross and you always meet me with your beautiful smile, kindness and love and a big bear hug. I am grateful to be around to follow you in your journey. Your sharing is helping me in my spiritual life. I know I will be reading again your information and translating many pages to help others as I encounter the need. I know God placed me here to do a job, to help and serve others in His name. 

Blessings to you and your family

Blessings to you Felicia and thank you for writing with me, loving me and for always
being the first to post on my Blog each day. My life is richer, my day is brighter and I know I am not alone as I make "My Journey."

Some of the Jamestown School Staff:
Jean Engvall, Marty Minners, Carol Cochran, Linda Millhollin, Felicia Engholm and Dave Urquhart.

When you're down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby, to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you've got to do is call
And I'll be there, ye, ye, ye
You've got a friend
If the sky above you
Should turn dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep you head together
And call my name out loud now
Soon you'll hear me knocking at you door
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running, oh yes I will, to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall, ye
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, ye, ye, yeah
Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend
When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them, oh yeah, don't you let 'em now
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again, oh baby, don't you know
Winter, spring, summer or fall
Hey now, all you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yes I will
You've got a friend
You've got a friend, yeah
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend

Oh, ye yeah, you've got a friend

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