Tuesday, April 11, 2017

It Takes A Community

Five generations ago my great great grandfather Joaquin Morris and his father Joe settled in the flats. (Shaw's Flat) He was the lineage to my Dads Mom. Some years later my Papa Bill came from Northern California and soon came my Dad. MANY years later he had a wonderful son that was the light of his world. His pride and joy. That was me.

My family has been in Tuolumne county for many generations and there are two things you learn from that:

1. The friends you make in this county are lifelong true friends.
2. Be careful who you date because they may be related.

As a child growing up we were very often blessed by the community and we were quick to bless others. Our parents taught us that taking care of others is something you do without question. It does not matter who it is you take care of others. Krishna and I soon remembered that the people of Tuolumne County LOVED to love others.

The bible says:

Galatians 6:2

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

 From the moment we got home we were overwhelmed with blessings. Each night someone new was at the door with a dinner. The phone rang off the hook and visitors were always there. My mom waited on me hand and foot during the day while Kris was at work and my wife carried the torch from dark until she left for work again the next day.

The week after the surgery Jodi Ditler organized a community fundraiser and when we arrived at the event we were floored as the place was packed. There was a dinner, raffle, silent auction and a live auction. We were hugged, kissed and prayed for. My spirit was full.

What many did not know then is that we really needed those blessings. When I left for my surgery I was a substitute teacher so I had no disability income while off work and my time off would be 7 months long. My medical bills were huge. There were endless trips to the doctor in Sacramento, MRI's , medication, tests, medications the list was endless.

As the bills piled up we kept our eyes on God and our hearts were over joyed with the blessings he sent to us. Shawna Stewart oversaw the bills and our donations account so that we would not be burdened or questioned about expenditures. We were encouraged to file for medical bankruptcy so that we could move on but I could not do that to those who had saved my life.

Eventually we would even sell our house but that is a story yet to come.

All along I healed. My public face was great but my private life was a mess. I was in continual pain. My headaches were just as bad as before, my back killed me, I was always dizzy and every ounce of my body ached. My sleep never got better. For years I had only slept for 3-4 hours a night due to pain and it was still that way. It still is. Once asleep I would wake up to get sick from the pain and my day would start all over again. That was normally 3:00 am.

It seemed like my medication was changed weekly. The meds made me sick. They made me mean. They made me gain weight. They made me lose weight.They made me mean. I would be angry at Krishna, I would be angry at Emily who was only 6. I would be standing there yelling at Emily and wondering what I was doing.

At night when I tucked Emily in bed I would apologize and she would kiss me and say "its ok daddy I love you and tomorrow you will be better". She is still that way. A forgiver with a wonderful heart. Then there was my rock Krishna. She had to do it all. She would come home and take care of all of us after work. I asked her later how she kept her sanity, She said it was easy because she was married to the greatest guy in the world. No really she said it was all GOD!

It was a constant challenge. But with each challenge there seemed to be someone there to lend a hand. Pastor Mark had taught us about Hope In Hard Times and our continued hope was the faithful support of you. Then and now. Yes each of you reading this BLOG. Why you? Because even today I have daily pain and challenges. They are from my Chiari and my Parkinson's. How do you help? You Love me. You love my family and you cheer us on in the race.

You see anyone can sign up for a bowling league or a local race and have a cheering section. ME? I signed up for Chairi. I signed up for life. I signed up to the promise that no matter what was given me, no matter what challenges I was offered I would take them with faith and I would give all the glory to my God.

So tomorrow I will continue. I will go to work. I will raise my family. I will love my wife. I will volunteer. I will......I will run my race and I will have you my cheering section. I will fight and I will win. Life is hard but I am carried by you as I make my way on "My Journey."



  1. Keep running Ron! We are in your corner cheering and praying for you!😚

  2. Ron, you're giving us hope in a fallen world. We do lean on Jesus our Lord for strength,believing in His promises. Thank you for being there for so many young people, you never know what life you may have saved. I'm praying for you.

  3. <3 this community is the best. And it will continue to live and support your family.

  4. <3 this community is the best. And it will continue to live and support your family.

  5. Our family will alway be in your corner
