Sunday, April 9, 2017

 Sing Us A Song Mr. Piano Man

Editors Note: Often in life we must deviate from what is planned and make changes.Tonight an event happened in my life that was most remarkable. Therefore, I would like to jump forward to the present for one entry and then tomorrow, I will return to the planned flow of "My Journey".

Photo by: Scott Eppler

It is my sophomore year of high school and it is raining outside. We have escaped to the band room during break as to avoid getting soaked to the skin. If you can imagine I am sitting at the piano showing Barbara Henderson (Barbie) my greatest Liberace/Dudley Moore playing skills. She is laughing hysterically. She asks "how many lessons have you had?" I proudly boast "None!"

Then the master of the key board walks in the door and grins at me. I slide off the seat and bow to him. Schroeder sits down and starts playing Come Sail Away by Styx. Everyone in the room gathers around the piano and listens to him play. For the next three years anytime Todd is at the piano we stop to listen.

Through the next 38 years Todd and I will follow a different Journey. He moves away, first to Southern California and then on to Colorado. The journey takes him all over the country and as we age, marry and have children I follow him on Facebook as he travels to countries far away to perform with some of the greatest talent in the world.

Last night, like I have done so many times over the years, I attended the Todd Schroeder Young Artist Grant Benefit Concert. Since I had friends coming that I had not seen in over 30 years we decided to have dinner first so we could catch up and walk down memory lane. I must admit I was way excited.

For two hours, Cynthia Werning (Salomonson), Barbara Henderson (Vellutini), Kerry Tweedy and John Lawton shared our life stories, laughed about high school and missed old friends. The time passes fast and we head to see our friend perform.

The Auditorium is full of the community that loves to support there own. So many to hug and chat with and before you know it we have to take our seats. Steve Southard makes the introductions and off we go. We are clapping and laughing and in amazement at all the talent.

Then Todd takes a minute to thank people. He Thanks Steve Southard and his mom. Next he thanks the band and all the performers. Then Todd totally catches me off guard. He tells the crowd that I am there and then he tells them about my Parkinson's Disease.

Editors note: My memory is not the greatest but my neurologist is working on that. Therefore, not wanting to misquote Todd, I have my lifelong friend Kerry Tweedy to write this part of the BLOG.

Kerry Tweedy:

I will quote this the best I can remember.

Todd  " I wanted to recognize a few champions in my life, and people who have supported me as they are heroes. One of those heroes is Ron Hamilton. He has always encouraged and supported me. He was a cheerleader in high school and he is still a cheerleader in life. He has done so much for this community and is a true hero. He has overcome many obstacles and he has faced many challenges and he was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. He has begun to write a blog and is sharing his journey. It is brave and I encourage everyone to read it because it is inspiring. Ron, Keep fighting the fight." 

It was such an eloquent and lovely tribute. It is a night I will never forget. Truly Wonderful.

I could not believe it. As the crowd applauded I could not help but to get big crocodile tears. The past few weeks had been a big challenge for Kris and I. There was the new diagnosis, new medicines and of course wonders about the future. As busy as Todd is and he reads my BLOG! What an honor.There I sat holding Krishna's hand, our daughter Emily was enjoying the event, visiting with friends that I have known for over 35 years and listening to one of the greatest performers of all time. The concert went way to fast.

Afterwords, we went to an after concert gathering. In a small setting we visited. There were more songs and Todd introduced me to the group. They clapped and he again gave words of loving encouragement. As Todd hugged me goodbye he said "Too often people who are diagnosed with medical condition's get bitter and sad, you have always fought a positive and courageous battle, Keep fighting."

Listening to Todd I was reminded of Joshua 1:9:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

Once again the Community loved on me and my family. As you will read in the coming days Kris and I are very blessed to be a part of Tuolumne County. They walk with us, carry us and they always hold our hands as we make "My Journey".
Todd Schroeder and I at his amazing concert. 

We must have hugged a dozen times throughout the night each time he offered encouragement and blessings. I am living an amazing journey. His wife Carrie si an AMAZING singer.

Cynthia Werning and I were cheerleaders together and we laughed through my Senior year. I had not seen her for over 33 years but it felt like we were together just yesterday. Coach Juhl was there with us and seeing her was added special gift.

Cynthia Werning, Steve Southard, Sherry Juhl. Me. Scott Eppler, Wendy Minor, and Scott Lawton. We were all in at least one play or program together in high school. 

One of the greatest men in my life. He has ALWAYS been there. The first to call me after my brain surgery and the first to always say I am here for you. He is the Greatest.


  1. So touching and beautiful. This entry warms my heart. Go Wildcats!!

  2. It was great to read this and see the pictures. Thank you for sharing it all. Keep on keeping on!
