Wednesday, April 26, 2017

We Are Never Forgotten

I can safely say that I have always been blessed that God is there for me in good and bad times and in all of them he receives glory. From the challenges I may have faced in childhood and my school years. Then into marriage and brain surgery. ( Well those could be the same thing) But really I have been slammed around pretty good but I always end up on my feet because God props me up and makes me shine.

Through out this Blog I have talked about the symptoms I started noticing when my Parkinson's started to show itself. I am amazed now how I can look back and say "Oh that was not from the brain surgery but from the Parkinson's." The realization of the disease must come first and then its important to follow your progress and symptoms so that you are aware of improvements and set backs. That's why I Blog.

On December 1, 2016 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's and my symptoms were as follows:

1. Hand Tremors
2. Rigid stiff walk
3. Leg shakes
4. Balance Problems
5. Raspy Voice/Slow speech
6. Poor Writing/Small letters
7. Sleeping Issues
8. Memory
9. Stone Face

My neurologists first goal was to slow the progression of the disease and get back my memory. It is obvious that I can work if I cant walk but if my memory did not improve I was concerned about the future of any kind of employment.

Last night I wrote about Carbidopa-Levodpa. This combination medication is used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease such as shakiness, stiffness and difficulty moving. My doctor first gave me a low dose with a few tablets a day. A few weeks later when I returned he was not happy that my legs still shuffled and my arms just hung by my side when I walked. So he upped the number of pills a day.

In January I went back and still very little improvement. In fact, I would be somewhere and people would say "Have you taken your meds today because you are really shaking."It was true and if I missed by medicine it was noticeable in no time at all as I would really shake. I would hide it by crossing my arms or putting my hands in my pocket.

So that day he increased my daily pills. My next visit nothing. This went on into March. Along the way medicine was added to help with my memory and to slow the progression of the disease.It was at the early March appointment that he really upped the dosage and now I would be taking it every six hours. This meant almost tripling my dosage from the original in December.

The first two weeks I noticed nothing. Then the nausea started, Every time I took my pill I would spend about 20 minutes trying not to throw up. If I was at work I would just hold my breathe and hope I did not throw up on my key board. I had a talk with a friend at work who reminded me that when fighting a disease you have to be patient and be in the journey for the long haul. He reminded me that sometimes you needed to give it time.

As I moved into spring break I had an awful week. My arms were worse, I was not sleeping and when I did I was having night mares. My legs felt weak and aching and my mood was miserable. So what did I do? I kept pushing and trying to control the situation. On Wednesday of that week I told Kris I could not take anymore of the situation and needed to call the doctor about the medicine. She agreed and also told me I needed to try and relax.

That night I remembered how I had gone through similar trials with the brain surgery. So I put it into Gods hands. DUH right? Here I always preach it but I always forget to do it. I am such a man. The bible says:

1 Peter 5:7

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Of course he does. He always has and he has never let me down. So I stubbornly handed it over to God.

I hate to say it was fast but guess what. I woke the next morning a different man. I felt stronger complete and relaxed. My mind was clear and my energy was amazing. It was noticeable by everyone around me. Finally, I have found my groove and my old self. I am amazed.

But really am I not surprised because that is how God works. Sure the medicine helps but it took me giving it up to find peace in the situation. My days are full of energy. The problem now is to remember to not over do it. This weekend I blew it. I felt good so I over did it and each night I suffered with the leg cramps that come with Parkinson's and I lost a lot of sleep. Then I tried to do yard work Sunday and that just added to the whole problem.

I have a lot to learn about Parkinson's and I know that I am in the early stages.I will have good days and bad days. The days will slowly become more challenging. I know there will be ups and downs. Yes slowly this disease can move along and take over different parts of my body. But I tell you the truth, it cannot take over my soul. It cannot take over my faith and I know that no matter how long the road is God is there and he is ALWAYS with me on "My Journey."

Blessings to you my friends.

Editors Note: Prayer of the day. Sara Lockhart is my cousin and her dad is fighting Parkinson's. Please pray for wisdom and strength for her family. Sara I love you with all my heart and your fight is mine too.

Who walks on the waters
Who speaks to the sea
Who stands in the fire beside me
He roars like a lion
He bled as the lamb
He carries my healing in his hands
Picture of the night. Cindy is a friend from childhood that I LOVE and adore.
 Miss you bunches and will see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. You are such an inspiration to all of us.
