Thursday, April 20, 2017

Some Days Are Diamonds Some Days Are Stone

Its today 1999. April 21, 1999 some 18 years ago and I have just finished my first day in the hospital after my brain surgery and I am exhausted. Today I have had to walk, get shots, take medicine and an endless day of answering questions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked today " How do you feel?" My wife finally says "you are probably getting tired of being asked."Truth is that question reminds me that people are doing all this FOR me to HELP me.

As I lay here listening to my heart monitor beep my room is quite. My mind is overwhelmed with wonder of what lies ahead and how I will overcome this situation. Little do I know what waits for me at home. My family, my community and my friends all waiting to carry me through the journey.

What many do not understand is that being asked are you ok feels good. It shows care. Many do not realize that when they say "What can I do?' They are already doing it because they are there and that shows love and care.

Too often people get scared by medical challenges that friends and family are going through and they stay away because they do not know what to say. Others stay away because they are afraid of what they might see. In general people do not like to look at pain. Others do not know what to expect and stay away because they do not know what to do.

Over the last few weeks I have received emails and messages from many that have traveled through medical journeys and all of them say the say thing. "Just knowing people are there helps me cope." One person said "They can just talk about the weather and I would be happy because they comfort me by just being there."

Others tell me "My friend has cancer and I dont know what to say." I told him he did not have to say anything. Watch the game on TV with each other. Play checkers. Eat Pizza! Pizza cures EVERYTHING!

Also, you cannot just look at someone and see that they are having a bad day. People hide their yucky days or their sick tummies or their pain. So don't assume that it is a good or bad day. Below is some information from The Parkinson's Disease Foundation. I have included the website if you would like to do some reading.

Secrets, Myths and Misconceptions


If someone with Parkinson's looks good then they also feel good.

People will often assume that if someone with PD looks good then they must be having a good day.


PD symptoms fluctuate and not all of them are visible. Over time, people with PD notice an increasing tendency for their medications wear off between doses. For this reason, they appear at one moment may not reflect how they feel most of the time. Also, medications can cause their own issues for PD patients and medication cannot always help the PD symptoms.


It is a good idea for the patient to keep a diary of the symptoms. This can be shared with the doctor. For family and friends it is never bad to say "How do you feel?" Its nice to be able to share and care.


The doctor can predict future


PD is highly variable from person to person and even the best PD expert has no way of knowing the future of each PD patient.


A PD patient can change their future. You can improve your disease at each stage by ensuring that you stay fit and receive adequate sleep and proper nutrition.Exercise is important for improving mobility, stamina, mood and quality of life. This can be challenging because fatigue is a common PD symptom sleeplessness is also a common symptom.

Family and friends can help by first understanding and then helping encourage the patient. Invite them for walks, games of tennis or to bike ride. A simple game of catch is good for aching arms and it takes two to play. This can allow for some great times to talk.

Finally, Pray. Remember we are all healed through Christ.

Matthew 11:28 

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Isn't God great? No matter how bad I feel my spirit can rest assured knowing that he is there for me. So the greatest act of love and kindness you can do for someone is pray. No matter how far away you live from them, no matter what time of day you remember them and no matter how much time or money you have a prayer can be made. Praying Can be done from anywhere, it can be done anytime of day and it is FREE!

Pray the Zero Prayer.Zero Progression. Zero Symptoms. Zero Disease. Zero Pain. ZERO!

I can write my Blog everyday and tell you all about Parkinson's. If you read my Blog you will learn about the illness, the statistic and the challenges. I can tell you the challenges the research and the cost of medicine. Eventually you will remember information. Maybe know more then you care too.

You can also read all these bible verses, read about my trust in God and the love that Christ has for me. He also loves you. But you must choose and decide if you want him in your life. That is your decision, I just know one thing: I need him and I will carry him with me. Actually he will carry me each step of "My Journey."


If you would like the My Journey Prayer Warriors to Pray for you or a person in need or if you would like to be a Prayer Warrior please email me at
You should always read to the end for the bloopers.


  1. ��praying you have a zero day! God is good!!

  2. Good information about PD and God!
