Thursday, April 13, 2017

Keeping The Faith

I felt it was important to talk about my Faith. I have always talked about God but never really talked about my Faith or how my Faith came to be a part of my life. Even wit h all that Krishna and I had been blessed with we still knew that we were missing a little bit of Faith in our lives. We wanted Faith, we prayed for Faith and we discussed having a little Faith all the time. We were told we could not have anymore Faith.

Then one day I notice that Krishna looked different. It was the winter of 2002 and I told Krishna that I thought she looked a little pudgy. You never tell a woman that. A few hours later she called me to tell me that God was sending Faith. I was so excited. I had experienced a little bit of Faith before with Emily and Danny but never this kind of Faith.

Then on August 15, 2002 our lives were changed forever. After many hours of struggle the doctor did an emergency surgery and our Faith arrived. It was scary. I was worried for Krishna and she was weak but we had Faith and I knew we would be ok. I went out and handed Faith to Emily


Faith Elizabeth Hamilton was not only a miracle but a blessing at the perfect time. I was still trying to deal with my pain and Faith was a gift from heaven. When she needed a nap I took a nap, when she needed to be read to I read her a book, when she started to talk she used big sentences and when she started to walk she left me in the dust.

I felt that it was important to give Faith her own BLOG because she came at a time in my life when I wondered if I would ever heal and move on, though I did not heal it did help me to move and grow and work to get better. My back still hurt, still would lock up, still give me bad days and still be a major frustration. It still is. My head still hurt. I still had major headaches, still had aching arms and legs and I still had neuropathy. I still do.

The difference, is that I realized that no matter how tough it was I had people that depended on me and needed me to fight everyday to get better, to be stronger to be more faithful. I still do. You see Chiari is not something you leave behind you but it is something you carry with you. It is something you must learn to live with for the rest of your life.

Kinda sounds like Faith doesn't it? I mean We need it everyday, we carry it with us and we need it for the rest of our lives. God is like that too. We need him everyday, we need to carry him with us everywhere we go and we must stay committed to him forever.

Psalm 34:18

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and he SAVES those who are crushed in spirit.

So I tell you the truth. GOD LOVES YOU! He saves me everyday. It may be with the blessing from a friend or a smile of a neighbor. No matter how challenging my life is I am blessed for God is always by my side. And so is my Faith.

Faith is love and being together.

Faith can make us laugh.

Faith is beautiful.

Faith can be funny.
We can win with Faith.

Faith makes great friendships stronger.

Faith is forever.

Faith is my heart.
This is my Faith, Hope and Love.