Thursday, April 27, 2017

Take It Easy On Yourself

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

In everything in life there are rules. Rules to driving, rules for cooking and rules at home. No cell phone while driving, don't mix oil and vinegar and keep your shoes off the furniture. I am not sure how the shoe one ever stuck or if its even a true rule but Krishna says it to me all the time.

After my brain surgery there were a lot of rules. No walking long distances, no running, no jumping and no sports. No bouncing, no flouncing and no trouncing. :) If I did my head would throb. The sitting made me gain weight and the exercise made me hurt. Any kind of exercise felt like a death sentence.

The other issue was the different medicines. Some made me so sick I would lose a ton of weight and others made me balloon up to almost 270 pounds. I finally stopped all medicines but there was still the issue of exercise and weight. Remember I LOVE PIZZA!

Now today there are new issues and new worries as I need to be careful to take care of this amazing body I have. Whether you have an illness or not, taking care of yourself is important so I have done some homework to share information for those with Parkinson's.

If you've received a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, you'll need to work closely with your doctor to find a treatment plan that offers you the greatest relief from symptoms with the fewest side effects. Certain lifestyle changes may also help make living with Parkinson's disease easier.

Healthy eating

While there's no food or combination of foods proven to help in Parkinson's disease, some foods may help ease some of the symptoms. For example, eating foods high in fiber and drinking an adequate amount of fluids. My issue is water as it makes me want to get sick. I cant even look at the stuff in the morning. Then a friend reccoemended Amino Acid drops or some kind of flavoring. I found a dash of Coke Cola worked great.
A balanced diet also provides nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, that may be beneficial for people with Parkinson's disease.Fish is very good. Salmon, anchovies, shrimp etc. Yes all the expensive stuff. I am moving to Maine.


Exercising may increase your muscle strength, flexibility and balance. Exercise can also improve your well-being and reduce depression or anxiety.
Your doctor may suggest you work with a physical therapist to learn an exercise program that works for you. You may also try exercises such as walking, swimming, gardening, dancing, water aerobics or stretching. 
Parkinson's disease can disturb your sense of balance, making it difficult to walk with a normal gait. Exercise may improve your balance. These suggestions may also help:
  • Try not to move too quickly.
  • Aim for your heel to strike the floor first when you're walking.
  • If you notice yourself shuffling, stop and check your posture. It's best to stand up straight.
  • Look in front of you, not directly down, while walking.

Avoiding falls

In the later stages of the disease, you may fall more easily. In fact, you may be thrown off balance by just a small push or bump. The following suggestions may help:
  • Make a U-turn instead of pivoting your body over your feet.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between both feet, and don't lean.
  • Avoid carrying things while you walk.
  • Avoid walking backward.

Daily living activities

Daily living activities — such as dressing, eating, bathing and writing — can be difficult for people with Parkinson's disease. An occupational therapist can show you techniques that make daily life easier.
Love and Laughter are the best medicines for all that makes you ill.
God has provided plenty for me.

So all things in moderation. All things that is except for love and laughter. During all seasons of life we must remember to love one another and laugh through the good and the bad. So here is to combination pizza with anchovies. Hey they are good for you.

Remember God Loves you and so do I.

Blessings My Friends

1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Proverbs 17:22
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.


  1. Love your post, but anchovies are still gross😝❤️πŸ˜‚

  2. Haha. What Diana said. 😁
